Honeywell Corporation, a Fortune 100 diversified technology and manufacturing conglomerate is to send a team next month to discuss investment opportunities in Sri Lanka, a former Deputy Minister said.
Former Deputy Minister of Investment Promotion Eran Wickramaratne told LBO, the Corporation initially proposed to send a team here on 17 August 2015.
Chairman and CEO of American multinational Honeywell Corporation; Dave Cote visited Sri Lanka recently with his private jet to understand the business climate in Sri Lanka.
“Mr. Cote has sent me a letter with his hand writing saying that he has decided to explore opportunities in Sri Lanka,” Wickramaratne told LBO.
“Three days later an email received saying that they are sending a team here on August 17. But I said them to postpone it by 10 days since we are having the general election,”
“They seem to be ready to initiate manufacturing high tech protective clothing such as safety outfits and astronaut costumes in Sri Lanka.” Wickramaratne further said.
The Honeywell Corporation serves customers worldwide with aerospace products and services; control technologies for buildings, homes and industry; turbo chargers; and performance materials.
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