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Dev diary #116 - Agrarian Research Techniques, Dev diary #113 - Community Choice Event Pack,, Play Since not much is known about Anglo-Saxon Paganism, a few creative liberties were taken. They dont exist yet, so they cant possibly become popular! Interactive corporate website. But be warned, modding Crusader Kings 3 is a subtle addiction. on Paradox technology, Legal If the guardian is a reveler/drunkard, there's also a chance to trigger a childhood event with a 1/4 chance to remove the Shy trait. AI child: Each of the Personality options has the same base chance to be picked by the AI child. Have you tried looking behind you? Make everyone who doesn't love you disappear, Recruit people who want to be bossed around, Dont be silly! Take a food pic of Scott capturing a Pokeman off your food pic. But that dialogue is from after the choice is made, not before. That's how boring [player name] is, [player name] goes to the doctor every day just to get a shot. Scott, you dont really care about the DUCT TAPE, right? Note: Child traits have no impact on which event set would get picked. I don't list the whole dialogue for space related reasons, so don't try to type the whole sentence unless it's small. If you want to savescum for these events, make sure you use the saves BEFORE the relevant birthdays. UPDATE: This mod deliberately does not change the new Viking CBs added with 1.3/Flavor Pack 1. If you plan on making any major changes it is recommended you read the style guidelines first. Every team needs motivation, and an army is just another kind of team! If you like my work, consider donating to help me make more: This mod is discontinued. There are actual events that I would see completely replaced, like the tinder event and that one starts with the portraits being available like it's the 16th century. If you don't know it yet, using those two buttons on your keyboard opens a search function. Calculester: Bathrooms events (Second Term). On the other, you get to manually pick 1 out of the 3 event set options to best suit your playstyle. I wanted a simpler shieldmaiden mod than what was available from other modders. Its mostly fine but that last option, how many levies does your god have, is just so. [player name]! We shall battle Relaxas, Knight of the Order of Yoga! Crush: Has to be 6+ yo child with >-30 opinion of you, and within x0.73~x1.20 the age of the child. This mod adds and improve some details around some main interfaces around the game, I will be adding more improvements on this mod along the way, and listing bellow what I have changed so far: Skills Background Bright + Prowess Background. The younger the better. . She loves death threats, so maybe you can become death threat pen pals? How about a tattoo of your face on the tip of your tongue, Try that specific spell that turns griffins into plates of spaghetti. Okay, Liam, we'll leave you alone. You're overthinking this, Scott! Caviar, eel, chocolate-covered sandcrabs, An elegant, stencilled card with your sincerest apologies, Stick a web of flies outside the Principals office, Hire Scuber, the underwater taxi service, to deliver the letter for you. That's the issue here! 89% for Heterosexual, 5% Homosexual, 5% Bisexual, 1% Asexual under the default setting. You can easily go 200+ years without any of them triggering. Sorry that took a little long too add and all, I haven't touched this guide in over a year and I had to get reacquainted with my whole guide. So now an event gets picked, how does the AI determine what to do, and what can the player influence it? STRIKE A FABULOUS TEAM POSE TO INTIMIDATE THE VIRUS! Let's go to the hospital and watch people give birth! Use GitHub file history feature to compare_versions. Drink all her scotch, enraging Vera and delighting Miranda! Zoe has eaten every one of her spouses minds!!! I'm reading it, and some small issues aside, it perfectly fine, occasionally reaching towards great, and then *BOOM* there's some dumb line in the event that just utterly ruins the whole thing and makes me feel stupid for getting interested in the first place. All rights reserved. Don't worry Cal! Here are the requirements for each child 'role' for these events for trigger checks. West Africa now starts with four historical mines, those are located in Bambuk, Siguiri, Boromo and Kumanasi. outcome + Go to prom alone. Your death is only a footnote as your lineage continues with new playable heirs, either planned or not. Does anyone know if there is a list of all ck3 events id's? Hire a hitman to kill every other crush they just mentioned. Valve Corporation. Compatibility patch for More Religious Doctrines and More Faith Icons. A small mod that adds a decision to reform Anglo-Saxon Paganism if you are an Anglo-Saxon ruler. This community wiki's goal is to be a repository of Crusader Kings III related knowledge, useful for both new and experienced players and for modders. You look too good in that baseball cap just to give up on it now! There are also events where you somehow end up in places you shouldn't be. Its ridiculous, ignores basic logic, and has no sense of the historical reality of the era. Actually, robots and succulents are romantically incompatible! Please note that I have released a new version and the version on this page may not be maintained in the future. tutorial.disable [gamestate/global/all (default: global)] - Disable the tutorial. THIS MOD IS VERY OUTDATED AT THIS POINT. Adding or removing traits all follow a general formula . My word! Aside from the lifestyle ones, the only ones ive seen are the serial killer (once) and encountering a white animal during a hunt (never managed to catch it though, even after 20+ years and multiple subsequent hunts). You've got to be blamed for ruining an industry that was becoming obsolete, A job so hard to explain that not even YOU are sure why you're getting paid, It's to treat a wound! Victim: Has to be a 4+ yo child with <0 opinion of you. A food pic of Liam taking a food pic! Toxxic, I remember the item events always being a little strange with succeeding. You dont want to fight me, I happen to be a registered Ultimate Warrior Judge, Naked fencing with live weasels instead of swords, Replace all the water in the school with mosquitoes, Dont worry Damien, you can keep the Duct Tape of Retribution. What, you need blades to kill people? Premium Powerups Explore Gaming. Go to Belen and check all the security cameras, Divert attention from the mystery behind the 'Caganer', Use all the resources of the Catholic Church, Any succesful outcome + Go to prom with Damien or Liam, Nowadays cool kidz only drink the latest, trendiest, poison antidote. If the child already has 3 Personality traits, the chance to get a 4th Personality trait event on their birthday drops down to 5%, and disabled if there are already 4 traits. [player name] is known to the initiated as "ALLBALL", [player name]? However, it's still not guaranteed that you won't get one of the worse set, such as Arbitary/Lazy/Craven or Impatient/Shy/Gluttonous, even if your character does not have any trait within these undesirable sets. Scott, a good king is a strong ruler -- physically strong!!! All you have to do is raise your right hand. CK3 Wiki Active Wikis. Content posted in this community. Age 6: Auto-assigns Education Focus matching the Childhood Trait. Liam, one lone voice simply cannot shut down this cafeteria Get ready for THE most hardcore, badass thing Want to get a dope party started? Suplexes are like the hugs of wrestling! I haven't had a culture with Mendicant Mystics before so I kept playing for a little while to see if I would one of the tradition's events. Call the best tech engineer you can pay, DIY! The general lighthearted tone of the writing, even with serious events. Removes the silly date restriction placed on technology progress. Any succesful outcome + Go to prom with Polly, I've done that one loads of times! . The general lighthearted tone of the writing, even with serious events. I tested it a few times, sometimes failing stopped the event and other times it just continued, I couldn't really find the logic behind it. The likelihood that not a single proclaimed Caliph ever had a cathartic thought while being proclaimed is indeed very hard to believe for me. If you were paying attention, you probably noticed it's possible to get a 4th trait at a 5% chance on 14/15th birthday, or a 9.75% chance to get it if the child already has 3 traits at age 13. The Romulus Dynasty is the remaining reminder of the fallen empire. [player name] has their whole life planned out. 1.1.1 Realm founding decisions 2 Minor decisions 2.1 Activities 2.2 Coping actions 2.3 Recruit specialists Major decisions Major decisions leave a permanent mark on the world and notify all rulers which may be affected by the decision. A reintroduction of the "Delve into the Classics" Decision/Event line from Holy Fury. Practically everyone of my martial characters has gotten a war horse. This wound! Paradox did an amazing job making the Anglo-Saxon culture feel distinct, all this mod does, is look to build on whats already there. Unique decisions The following major decisions can only be taken once per game, regardless of character. Steal the final jelly dessert from the jelly dessert factory! Miranda, just make cute eyes! Imagine all the food you could Instagram, without have to eat any! Theyre so cute! Speak to our highest-ranking officer: COACH! Events like that are exactly what I meant when I mentioned that event options are often written as witty punch lines. Turn the paintbrushes everyones holding into live cobras, Run over a bunch of nuns with a lawnmower. Age 15: Witch conversion event from the guardian. As mentioned, it's still a good idea to have 2 wards at all times, for a chance to receive pet dog/cat from your wards. What about an orgy but afterwards an intense chess tournament, Just start chanting: 'ORGY! Upload subversive propaganda to the other robots' CPUs, Croissant, School Bus, Shooting Star, Trumpet and Crocodile, Legalization of recreational chimera toxins, Hypnotize Liam into liking something uncool. Hope never defeated Amazon she was Jeff Bezos all along! Secret Ending events with multiple characters. But whats Miranda about? This Mods adds actual medieval music to the game; Medieval 2: Total War Soundtrack Overhaul. So I decided to make a complete list of events and outcomes myself to help others crazy enough to find them all. 1. There is an added pleasure to enjoying something that took effort, Sacrifice another goat, but write "We're Sorry" on the side, You need to learn to think like your mistress, The title of Grandmaster should go to whoever can compose the best theme song. Moreover, even when the 5% chance is rolled, there's also a chance that the 4th trait event leads to the same trait. It is only visible to you. One of my main frustrations in the game is when you have landed your heir and he gets a child (your future heir) of his own, you have no control over his education or marriage. Below is a searchable table of all 10559 events and event IDs from CK2. AoW: Planetfall Cities: Skylines Crusader Kings 3 Empire of Sin Europa Universalis 4 Hearts of Iron 4 Imperator: . SNAKE! They were rare enough that when you would see one it would actually get a chuckle, instead of having the meme events vastly outnumbering the serious ones. This mod was originally intended for personal use. Possess the body of the deceased, bringing him back for one last party! conquerall [country tag] - Set all enemy provinces under our control. Outliner shows their coats of arms, military strength, hooks, and more. These CBs can also be used by the AI, but AI rulers will have additional requirements, which are often based on their personality. A mod that adds an event chain that lets you make a custom ruler. They were rare enough that when you would see one it would actually get a chuckle, instead of having the meme events vastly outnumbering the serious ones Allow to select sins and virtues on faith creation. I feel alive when doing something crazy outside my comfort zone, I feel alive when drinking this magic drink I made. behind the location. I bought Adrian von Ziegler's Complete Discography just for this mod. Make menacing eye contact with the two serfs, Zoe, why don't you eat this vegan brownie that I brought instead, Sanity isn't even on the top 5 worst things Zoe could be devouring. ", Disassemble the bear to make its true nature less obvious, Travel to Nepal to study the secret arts of the gift-giving monks, I can tell you that the best way to get inside Blobert's head is to dress like him, Hire a retired FBI agent to secretly analyze Bolbert's body language, A full e-commerce website built using your sick web design skills, Miranda Vanderbilt, of the very nice hair, Miranda Vanderbilt, of the commanding voice. You're right Scott! What about your collection of exotic corpses? An illusion created by the drugs youre on! If you want to become a contributor please register and check out the work needed page. Yup, we must never forget that we are by far the minority here. The second mod in the Immersive cultures series, this time we're tackling the Anglo-Saxons. This mod changes the default gender succession law to agnatic, as opposed to male-preference. They CAN sleuth their way out of a paper bag! They can be acquired through several different means, such as genetics, education, random events, and more. Convince Liam to return to his K-Pop phase. Including black and red. You cant rule a kingdom with no flag. Solve the ancient enigma of your algebra homework! Force Your Child to Take Vows (alternative to disinheriting), Crusader Kings 3: Take Vows Character Interaction, Better Northern Germania Overhaul - From Flanders to Mecklenburg. A mod which makes some important notifications like child guardianship alerts instead of being under the issues tab. That glass jar of fresh human blood really goes with the parsley, Polly's, because she literally just made a pair of pajamas for a cat, If you fold the napkin like so, it creates a self-aware napkin, It is time to leave Vera alone and stop explaining napkin folds. Are you sick of every single woman in medieval Europe being raised like they're some kind of e-thot MEGA ? All I hear is that you're not trying hard enough! But have we asked the orange how it feels? You are using an out of date browser. This flask has ULTRA-WHISKEY. Each type of event troops has a "maintenance multiplier" between 0 and 1. You just need to lift really heavy books! Begin in 867 or 1066 and claim lands, titles, and vassals to secure a realm worthy of your royal blood. Use sleight of hand to make the totem DISAPPEAR, A succesful outcome with option 2 + Go to prom alone. *A little thank you note to thank you so much for the awards! I will also put the last ones that are missing in so lets have fun with it!! However, where the original DLC was limited to just that, Sunset Invasion for CK3 has grown beyond its spiritual predecessor, and it will continue to do so as I continue to im You need to sign in or create an account to do that. This is of course a reference to a reply Stalin supposedly gave when told that the Pope would appreciate if Stalin stopped suppressing Catholics. Valve Corporation. If it is not listed under either of those, it is most likely a Date or Secret Ending event. Kurthakon the creator of this mod has passed away in real life. It could also be useful if you want to see if there are more events of your favourite character in the game and where to trigger them, and if you find them, what the stat checks are. Event 0006 is a little different where the initial base weight will be x0.25, but having a crush or an available crush within the realm (can not be the same child) will add +100% each, or x1.25/x2.25. Dahlia, theres no better rival than you! There are all sorts of CK3 mods out there, from the smallest quality-of-life changes to save you time and effort in the main game, to complete overhauls, turning CK3 into Lord of the Rings, the. changeowner [TAG] [province id] - Change the current owner of [province id] to the TAG specified. If he was really a computer why would he be wearing that cool hat? Lets create a hip new mascot for healthy food! Scott's complex analytical software is smelling butts! If you're looking for an event with Miranda in it, simply search for "Miranda" and it will show you all events where Miranda is involved. Here's 99 loading screens from a large range of artists for you to enjoy. [player name] has a huge collection of super cool busdriver trading cards! Certain CBs (such as Rivalry) can also be used only by or Justinian is the Last Roman. You think he's eating for you, but secretly he's eating for himself! Polly, you deserve othing less than pure, unadulterated spirit! ', Put them at ease by letting them come as orgy chaperones. You may also get lucky and not get any of the undesirable traits. CK3 defenders often like to point out that CK2 had its meme events too, and they aren't wrong. Events are the meat of every well-rounded mod; smaller and larger bits of story that can happen to a player during the campaign. It pairs wel with seafood and blood, This robust malbec is an elegant way to mask the taste of poison, Immobilize Damien with the Lord's Prayer while Liam escapes, Dump all of Polly's food onto Liam's plate, Dump all of Liam's food onto Polly's plate. Make replicas of the earrings, find out where the Coven lives Any succesful outcome + Go to prom with Vera, Be the only service that offers free range organic murders, Quit crime. This item has been removed from the community because it violates Steam Community & Content Guidelines. (Partially Fixed in 1.1) Arumba's Fix WarHorse Mod, This is the fix for the WarHorse event chain that was made by Arumba07. From what I remember they sound like the right choices. Scott, sanity is extremely high in cholesterol! Events should be either "funny" or "serious," not both. Event 445 doesn't seem to have the right dialogue choice at all btw. IT DOES NOT WORK ANYMORE, If you enable main mod [coat of arms fix], do not enable pa. Community Flavor Pack aims to add a lot of historical portrait accessories for your characters, filling the many cultural lacks of vanilla CKIII. A white plate with a single sprig of parsley in the center. Paranoid Scheming Improvement *No Longer Updated*. Again, it doesn't need to be historical at all. If you want Damien, you'll have to go through me Show Calculester that the ax is just a prop, The Dark Side was sort of cool last month, Speak the forbidden name of the Faceless Goat God, Tell him there was a three-horned paper-gobbler, Smashing the internet is literally our only option. Pit yourself against other punks in an online poll! Recently, I've been spending a little bit of time occasionally just creating hybrid cultures, genuinely one of the best things in the game, and created a Cuman and Russian hybrid. Take big screenshots of characters, rotate them, change poses, background and visual traits. Player Child: You have a 20% chance to pick your own sexuality instead of a random assignment. Get me a saddle and lets enter the race! This mod adds more religious doctrines to the game. Not really there are a handful of events that are connected to lifestyles but that is mostly it. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Will no longer be updated#. Guardian - Guardians are basically teachers for children in CKII. This mod added two new innovations for navigation across major rivers. Lets you move the Suggestions window wherever you want. SNAKE! It doesn't feel like you're playing a medieval ruler in a semi-historical setting, and actively undermines immersion. It's still entirely up to you between giving your heir(s) to a Genius guardian for better education outcome or educating the heir yourself for better traits. Just got the update working let me know if the mods fucked. SNAKE! Discover a sprawling simulated world teeming with peasants and knights, courtiers, spies, knaves and jesters, and secret love affairs. I can't see who has given this guide one, but I want to let all of the award givers know that I really appreciate every single one of them. The goldfish said trial by combat he didnt say what kind! [player] would be a Slap Chop, which is the best machine ever! Retrieve the legendary bag of lasagna-flavored chips, Lunch events: Leonard, Violet/Tate (Second Term), Carry me around in a wheelbarrow while I eat grapes, [player name] could charm the pants off a statue, [player name] seduced the entire population of Lemuria, [player name] solves mysteries for breakfast. Air the same show from thirty years ago but with a new name? Start playing this free-to-play/pay-to-win mobile game, Bring the poor soul on a journey through Deviantart, Force the poor soul to join your Evangelion Club 10-hour meeting, Let's band together with all the students who have been left out. There are 12 Personality events for kids not in jail, each of them gives the child 3 pre-set Personality options. Animals you kill may lose their lives but what about their afterlives? *, Obsolete for 1.2 Onwards]. The aim of this mod is to add more buildings to vanilla, and give the player a row of options and not simply pick the same buildings everytime. Traits can be positive or negative, and they affect the choices and events you'll see during a given playthrough. In these situations, there's always a pale, creepy kid who talks to ghosts, Go ahead and just tell her you do want to understand her, Start by making her see you understand that you were wrong to judge her. [player name] has a huge collection of super lame busdriver trading cards [player name] would blush deeply and shyly. GitHub - OldEnt/crusader-kings-3-triggers-modifiers-effects-event-scopes-targets-on-actions-code-revisions-list: List of Crusader Kings III triggers, modifiers, effects, event scopes, event targets, on actions, code revisions and setup.log for most game versions since launch. Edit: I have tried listing the multiple character events of Damien under his specific categories, I might do this for all of them if I still like it after looking at it for a while. Here you will find the biggest collection of achievements from this great Game. If you spot anything in need of improvement, don't hesitate to make an edit. Maybe there's a secret way out. So aside from Historical characters that are exempt from # of traits rule, every child follows the same flow for Childhood trait events. Age 3: Child gains one of the Childhood Trait (Pensive, Bossy, etc), and loses Sickly, if there's any. CK3 Console Commands by Heleen April 20, 2022, 8:15 am Crusader Kings III is a great power videogame/kingdom simulation rooted in the 1400s, similar to its precursors Crusader Kingdoms and Crusader Kings II. Another way to look for events is to search part of the dialogue options. Let's ask them nicely if they can stop behaving like internet trolls, Let's write a powerful fanfic set on the Dragon Heat wiki, Any succesful? Toss Aaravi the Legendary Garmagorian Axe of Introspection! Disagreeing with Miranda? Friend: Has to be a child with >-10 opinion of you. I will not update it anymore. This way you get the best out of each trait event set while receiving a fairly decent education outcome, as your Genius guardian can still contribute to 6 education checks out of 9. Type the name of an event, or an event ID, into the search box below to instantly search our database of 10559 event IDs. What's this, Calculester? Since I'm a noob modder I can not fix the compatibility issue. SW-COW Compatibility Patch (Currently Outdated). [player name] is the greatest team player I know. Isn't this plant worth more than the entirety of monsterkind? Game Rules - These are events for game rules. [player name] spends money just to keep from drowning in it, Pablo survived and is now known as [player name], [player name] is incredible at the Dirty Double Dragon Dance, [player name] was actually a pro DEATHBOWLER, [player name] has never played DEATHBOWLING, [player name] just inherited a bunch of money, [player name] had a terrible vacuum cleaner accident, [player name] knows all kinds of weird colors, [player name] is a legend among board game players, [player name] got banned from the local laser tag place, [player name] got laser hair removal last week, [player name] is the one who introduced cheese, [player name] has made a name for themselves, [player name]'s wealth secured season tickets, [player name] is used to persuading the owner, [player name] asked 7/11 to keep it open longer, I've heard [player name] kills and eats all of their romantic partners, [player name], the one whose love language is cruise missiles, [player name] is so badass, they got through tax season by themselves, An electric chair! Uses 14 fonts on the map which dynamically change depending on the rulers culture. Some of that was present in CK2 already, but CK3 leaned into it even more heavily, or at least didn't make a course correction. [player name], obviously. I do try to list the most important part of the dialogue, so search for a certain word that would surely be in it. Or any sense of maybe having to cross your castle to get to you. You can randomly run into people who shouldn't be there. You can check your log after closing the game for the names of the events you had in your last playthrough. That's a strawman argument. Go to that most authoritative of all resources-- WikiHow! (Then stab Damien. Alternatively, if you're willing to micromanage your primary heir, it's not a bad idea to have the Genius guardian take care of the kid for most of the birthdays, and transfer the kid back to you right before the trait event birthdays. After. Even with the event with the monk, it maintains a semi-serious tone throughout the event, aside from the last line which makes it incongruous with what has come before, and therefore breaks immersion. Little note: If I'm not sure about the location I will put a "?" Why dont you pay with one of your kidneys? I don't see the issue. Your rulers acting like they are normal commoners. ORGY! I'll be the playable character to your non-playable character! Delve into the Classics Reintroduced by the Cappuccino Crew. Miranda, let's punish your serf in a different way. Ooh, Miranda, you should get a puppy serf! ORGY! NOTE: YOU WILL NEED TO START A NEW GAME FOR THIS TO WORK PROPERLY, Ports on major rivers-More navigable Rivers 2 (DISCONTINUED). And for lunch. Beg! Please see the. Any outcome + Go to prom alone or with anyone, A card that says 'Sorry you died in an accident', A card that says 'World's Sexiest 8-Legged Principal! No sense of location. The true owner of the internet was you all along! This item has been removed from the community because it violates Steam Community & Content Guidelines. Thanks for the explanation, but that's really strange, because I've found the event in this video. The choice text itself is "Hey Polly, you know how the Greeks fought a whole war over Helen of Troy's face? It gives the impression that the characters don't take anything seriously.

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ck3 list of events