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The productive Reed avocado trees are slender and upright, and although their height can be controlled with pruning, they are able to grow up to 37 feet tall. Our Cannonball lives alongside a Hass which is the same age & bearing a lot of flowers. Fortunately the plants get full morning sun during the winter and from late spring through early fall they should get sun nearly all day long. We had that heat spell and all of the fruit fell off. I would first try to get a Reed tree at Subtropica Nursery since I saw some there last week. Thank you so much for all the great information and time you took to help home growers. My Reed pit is producing three sprouts. Thanks for your comments. I like the idea of planting 2-3 varieties in one hole in the lawn location. I can sometimes identify an avocado variety by its leaves, but more often I can just eliminate the possibility of other varieties and narrow the options. The wind knocked off maybe 30% of the 2.5 inch fruits a couple of months ago, but what is left is beautiful! document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); I'm Greg. love it our baby ? Curious about how to find one of these avocados or maybe even how to grow your own? Thanks! For ex. So what do you think? (The exception is with small trees that Ive watered sufficiently with rainwater all year, which didnt have any leaf burn.). Please find their contact information in my post, Where to buy an avocado tree.. Required fields are marked *. If you really want to taste the fruit, then let it carry one or two at the most. Also, if it has few or no leaves, then you need to only water once the soil is moist but no longer wet. Hi Rebecca, Hey Greg, This year, March has been our biggest harvest. Avocados go great on top of hamburgers, sandwiches, and even certain types of pizza. It contains a fairly large seed. When is your normal harvest window for Mexicolas? Avocados seem to make people smile! (Read more on this topic in this post: Heat tolerance of avocado varieties.). Havent even planted it yet and it has 11-12 fruitlets on it. SOLD OUT FOR 2022. I thoroughly sympathize with how hard it is to wait for avocado trees to bear fruit. thanks for the tip about waiting till summer to pick them. Its thick, green, slightly pebbled skin is easy to peel, and its flesh is a pale golden-yellow. I have many precious pictures. Theres nothing you can do about that. Did the previous owners tell you so? Add chips on top of the soil and never rake any leaves that drop. My site is just not suited for such low limbs. When the drip cycle goes on, (currently every other day), the surface gets soaked and the drain pipes provide several gallons of water to the roots whether I am around or not. A second downside of Reeds skin is that, when cut open, it leaves bits of grit on the outer edge of the flesh similar to the varieties Lamb and GEM. Ive never been to Louies. Start shopping online now with Instacart to get your favorite products on-demand. This one's for all the avocado toast-loving folks on Instagram. As long as its white inside youre fine. That is saying a lot. Besides size, the characteristics that I use to distinguish old from new crop are the dullness of the skin and the color of the stem. Not full coastal climate, but definitely cooler than the parts of Long Beach north of the 405. Reed avocado trees set fruit well, they do so regardless of the presence of other avocado trees nearby, and they set fruit consistently year after year. . Oval-shaped and dark-green in color, the Choquette avocado originated in Florida and is a mix of two different types - Guatemalan and West Indian. Ill definitely stop by next time Im in Riverside. We are a family of 4. Avocado Dip. Can you recommend where to purchase a tree? It produces some of the largest fruit of all avocados. Can I grow a Reed avocado in NorCal? It doesnt seem to have sustained real damage. Thanks much. Ive got one tree that gets terrible leaf burn on it no matter how much I water it and no matter the scion variety (Ive grafted multiple varieties onto it). Now I know I have to wait another year to eat them. for about $6 and mix it one third to one half sauce to water. The round fruit is about the size of a softball, and can easily weigh more than a pound. I have picked Reeds from my tree as early as May and found them to taste acceptable, but they dont taste great until deep into summer. Sorry about your Reed! The process for fertilizing avocado trees changes as they mature since they have changing nutritional needs., Hi Greg, Im in San Gabriel Valley, can you please tell me what month I can expect my Kona Sharwil to flower? The shape of the fruit is oval, similar to a giant egg. Thanks in advance , Hi Shival, Most of my plants are 3 years or younger. All of those varieties except for Lamb have harvest seasons that are different from Reed and would make a great complement to your Reed. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); I was fortunate enough to buy a Florida home with a 30 foot Reed avocado tree on the property. The family often gifted me a bag of fruit when I visited. I dont know if this indicates a type of root rot. Hi Greg- great site! As a result I bought a Reed about a year ago and it has been doing very well (I live in the LA area in SoCal). Reports say that survives temperatures down to 30F (-1C). Paint them with white latex in addition to the shade cloth. Because avocados don't start to ripen until after they're picked, growers allow Reed avocados to get as large as 1 1/2 to 2 pounds. Did you visit the orchard that had the reeds planted 5ft apart? Last year was the first my Reed produced avocados. A report from Israel once found that Ettinger and Fuerte pollenized Reed: Reed could work, but would not be the ideal choice, if the allotted space were wider but not so tall. I know that rats and squirrels will chew on avocados, but Ive never seen raccoons or possums with my own two eyes though I wouldnt be surprised to see them chewing on avocados too. Are you a lucky gardener with a Reed avocado tree growing at your home? And thanks to you, I think theres hope. Unfortunately, Reeds flexibility with the heat doesnt extend far in the thermometers opposite direction. If your plum tree doesnt have any low branches that the rats can jump up to, then you could try wrapping the trunk with something slick such as hard plastic or metal so they cant climb up into the tree. To determine whether or not your avocado is ready to eat, gently apply pressure with your thumb and feel for a slight give. Unsaturated fats may help support normal growth and development of the nervous system and brain for your baby. Every grower I know is out or almost out of Reeds just now. I picked the healthier looking of the 2 in stock, but Im not happy that the strongest looking branches are ground huggers. I cut two-foot lengths of 4 plastic drain pipe and positioned them at the edge of the planting hole with a couple inches of the pipes extending above the top of the hole. So I dont prefer to prune my Reed and other summer varieties in September (although I do some minor pruning then and throughout the year). Rootstock information. My small backyard is wedged between my house and a large detached garage. If the skin literally comes off on its own, you can bet you got a Reed. Gwen. Also, dont keep the trees in their current containers for too long. Great job with the site and posts, Ive been reading like crazy the last week, good stuff, Happy 4th! I think itll be okay though. The main problem is that my yard is carved out of a sandstone hill and only as about a foot of decent soil. Luckily, the Reed fruit coming off a tree in your yard will be treated delicately and never have such problems. Thank you so much. Would purchase fruit in crate if someone can please tell me where to find an order. Their smaller lateral spread allows them to be grown closer together than other avocado trees, which maximizes space. In comparison, the fruit contains only 1.60g of protein and 2g of fiber per 100g of flesh. I thought it was a Reed but the fruit is not totally round like the pictures but slightly oblong. Reed avocados yield to gentle pressure when ripe, though their skin will remain green. The Haas is a 15 gallon I planted a year and a half ago that has been struggling for a multitude of reasons. I speak from experience. What I sometimes do is pop off the stem button. The Hass is now looking revived and showing new leaf growth. Reed avocados are defined by their size and oval shape. For example, Reed might not start flowering much until April, but Mexicola might flower and set fruit in February and then be ready to eat in September. It is a great beginners avocado tree because it is relatively tough and productive. They also start flowering earlier in any given year than Reed. The minerals in this fruit include: Calcium: 10mg. A change in my neighborhood is that we do have folks now with outdoor dogs and so their food could be a draw. As the tree grows, increase the amount of fertiliser each year to cater for its needs. I moved to a new yard in 2013 and had to plant new avocado trees and wait and wait and wait. The fruits may remain on the tree for a relatively long time after reaching maturity. However, after another heat spike the few fruitlets I had dried up and dropped. For the home gardener, however, the skin color of an avocado is irrelevant. Just planted my 5 gal Reed in May, am so grateful for you sharing all your tips and experience. The very first Reed avocado seed was germinated in 1948 on the property of James Reed in Carlsbad, California. I do have a question for you: Once in a while, I swing by Starbucks where they save for me all used ground coffee from that morning, about 20 pounds easy. It was pretty dry on the surface, thinner mulch than I thought, and I did not see white roots near the surface. One-half of a medium avocado (75g) has 684 Kilojoules and contributes nearly 20 vitamins and minerals making it . I am hoping that the deep shade that my neighbors bamboo plants sheds on my trees after about 2:00 every day during the winter will not be a problem. Avocados can act as a "nutrient booster" by helping increase the absorption of fat-soluble nutrients such as vitamins A, D, K and E. 5.Great for Babies and Kids. Perth, Western Australia. Anyway thanks for the informative post . Unfortunately, anything that drops from your Reed between now and next May will be for the compost pile, as it will just shrivel as you described because it is immature. Too skinny, too tall and top-heavy. I think youre right. Much appreciated. Honestly, I would choose another variety to add based on other characteristics such as the varietys harvest season, fruit quality, and productivity rather than whether its flowering season overlaps well with Reed because Reed seems to need cross-pollination the least of any avocado variety that I know, plus the fact that any variety will contribute somewhat to Reeds yield. I write a new "Yard Post" every Friday. My only other thought is that in a place like Banning you will eventually have a challenge on your hands in the summer when its 110 degrees and you have avocado trees with roots entirely filling their limited soil volume. I usually do only 5g a week because it is heavily mulched. Reed avocados have such excellent texture and flavor that they are best eaten raw in their purest form. As long as you still find white roots deeper in the soil, then Id give the tree a shot at recovering in its current location. In fact, its even better in terms of the two having distinct harvest seasons. you how much a nutrient in a serving of food contributes to a daily diet. I cant tell if the leaves match the rest of the reed. This race was only introduced into the West Indies. The avocado nutrition is packed with lots of Vitamins. Rich in nutrients. While it never made it commercially, Reed remains a favorite avocado for home growers, farmers markets, and specialty markets. The flesh itself has a mild taste and is quite watery. It has only lost about 25% of its leaves, and most of the rest are droopy. and it is really growing vigorously. Try it on its own, or with just a squeeze of lemon and a sprinkle of sea salt. The Reed avocado is a cultivar first developed in California. Thank you Greg for fast and thorough reply. Cleopatra Avocado: New to the consumer market, the Cleopatra avocado is a dwarf avocado, smaller than most. 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Better odds to leave it in place rather than risk moving it? My soil is very heavy clay and I thought it was was probably best to let the top two inches dry out before re-watering the tree but apparently not. That would be amazing as I cant find any in Australia yet. One-half of an avocado (100g) provides 160 calories, 2g of protein, 8.5g of carbohydrates, and 14.7g of fat. Good timing on this post. I love that idea of adding the tuna salad to the Pinkerton half. Even though the roots you are finding dont appear white on the outside, how do they look on the inside when you break one? I grew up on Hi Sylvia, Wasnt sure where to ask this question so commenting on this article and hoping you will see. Just an idea to consider. Reed bears early and regularly. This creamy fleshed fruit has an excellent flavor that is rich, bold, and nutty. Nutritional Value Do you recommend a different planting arrangement or is it possible to plant two or three together in the same hole or what would your other suggestion be? I love the healthy, full leaves too. Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the effect of avocado intake on cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk with the use of a systematic review and meta-analysis. The biscatechin was shown in vitro to have antimicrobial . Contents 3lbs = Approx. The trees are on a drip system with provides surface water. Just to note, were close to finishing the fruit from our Hass tree now (we didnt have that much this year, only about 70 avocados), and the Reed fruit is nearly mature. Your thoughts? I hope you enjoy your Reed as much as I enjoy mine. So what I focus on now is just making sure that I get the trees sufficient water during summer and fall, no matter which kind of water, and then accepting a certain amount of leaf burn on some of them. Reed avocados are larger than Hass and more round in shape. Organic. Kale, Quinoa, and Avocado Salad with Lemon Dijon Vinaigrette. Since moving out of state I have not been able to find a place to purchase Reed Avocado or even a Reed Avocado tree. Source Of. Compare Reed to Lamb, for example. Like Benicia? For new avocado trees that usually means the watering was too infrequent. My first suspicion would be that roots were damaged in the planting process since avocado roots are so fragile. see below.). The fruit need six more months on the tree, for a total of over a year. As for when to pick avocados from any tree, please see my post, When to pick avocados.. Avocado, Nutrition, Recipes REED , , Avocado Reed 2019, Avocado Reed Crete , Avocado, Nutrition, Recipes I dont see my original comment so Opinion? As I previously mentioned, Reed avocados are one of the best avocado varieties for first-time growers because of how productive and low-maintenance they are. Based on what youve written Ive decided to get a Reed to compliment my Haas. These trees are known for their larger-than-average fruit. They were delicious; their seeds were only slightly sprouted inside. Im from Australia (Southern Highlands) and creating a productive garden. I only use photos here on my website that Ive taken, except for a few over the years that Ive noted. Sometimes I only shade them when its 95 degrees or more, and I use 60- or 70-percent shade cloth. Watch a flowering video. Looking at a great Gwen crop nearing ripe now.) Because the flesh is very soft it practically slips off the skin on its own. Here are 12 reasons why avocados can contribute to a healthy diet: 1. However, the Myer lemons I plant (3 over the years) dont seem to do well at all. On the subject of watering I may have found a useful way to give my newly planted trees what the need. Fuerte can be picked earlier than Hass and Lamb can be picked even later than Reed. I think I will add this variety to my collection. California Avocados are naturally sodium-, sugar- and cholesterol-free. Thanks Greg, this good intel. Its thin green peel contains a. Farmers' Market Box: With exercise demos, workout routines and more than 500 recipes available on the app, MyFitnessPal gives members a wellness roadmap for anything from the best fat burning workouts to healthy foods to eat. Avocados are known as a nutrient booster because they enable the body to absorb more fat-soluble nutrients from foods eaten alongside them. Dont sweat not being able to water the tree through summer and fall with it. Microwave on high for two minutes. Sorry for a very long post. These include vitamins A, B-6, C, D, E, K, B1 (thiamine), B3 (niacin), B2 (riboflavin) and B5 (Pantothenic Acid). I have only given my Reed some compost in its first year or two and then maintained a wood-chip mulch under and around the tree from then on. Next year in July, get in touch and Ill sell you a box from my tree or Ill connect you to a nearby farmer who will. As Eric says, try Subtropica. Reed tolerates the salts in our water more than some other varieties, such as Hass. The leaves on a branch at the bottom is doing fine. My question: since the Reed doesnt turn black as it ripens AND it needs a long time to mature on the tree, how do I tell when the fruit is ready to pick? Late fruit season typically starting in summer . Youre a few weeks too late to get good Reeds shipped to you from Southern California, and Im sorry but I dont know anyone up north who ships Reeds. Reed avocado trees tend to grow more upright than some other varieties, such as Hass or Fuerte. Fruit or Tree or both. It has a relatively large seed and seed cavity, but its robust size allows it to still carry a substantial amount of edible flesh. They can even grow to 2-4 pounds. But Reed avocados do take about 14 months to mature so you wouldnt be eating those fruit until around July of 2021. The only thing that is unusual is that the fruit seem to be ready more in spring that in winter. (Avocado leaves turning brown? Product Description. People also like using crushed avocados as a substitute for mayo, sour cream, and ice cream. Thank you for the info about the history of this great avocado! If youre not doing that, try it out. Has it been not enough water or something in your soil? I water regularly and have given it some fertilizer ( fish emulsion) and several applications of foliar spray (seaweed extract). Here are characteristics of the Reed avocado fruit, its history, the trees shape and growing habit, and a few remarkable strengths and weaknesses all in order to help you decide whether a Reed avocado tree deserves a place in your yard. It is not a Reed. They contain lots of fiber and are rich in vitamins and minerals, such as B-vitamins, vitamin K, potassium, copper, vitamin E, and vitamin C. Research has . I know I dont have enough to get me thru our summer. Id say youre pretty safe with that combination in Escondido as Fuerte usually produces well there as far as Ive seen. Funny timing with this question, John. I just finished your article. Is that a pollination problem or insects? You can optionally plant your avocado seed directly into the ground, or you can start it in a cup and transport it to the ground as it progresses. This buttery consistency is also the reason the pit pops out of its cavity on its own. Its very possible that you dont have a Reed after all, or that the trees rootstock took over and the fruit youre getting is from the rootstock. I go into this a little more in my post on pruning avocado trees to keep them small, linked above. Thank you. If a young avocado tree is healthy going into a heat wave but doesnt have enough water during the heat, it usually wilts and gets sunburned but doesnt drop all of its leaves unless the thirst and heat were both severe. Avocados come from a family of flowering plants known as Lauraceae. We are interested in a hundred other qualities, but skin color is not one of them. Our soil is clay and although I added lots of compost to the initial mix and prepared the hole oversized and deep, the feeder roots are no longer white. . I have avocados on my Reed and admit Ive lost track of their progress this year. The Reed avocado variety is the first I ever grew. Dont put small trees in giant containers. Hi. Because of how large the fruits are, half an avocado is large enough for an entire batch of guacamole. As for fertilizing avocados generally, please see this post: One is a Reed, easily 30ft , and the other is a Fuerte, about 25ft. this is my first year (i have small fruitlets growing right now) and by next spring, i wouldve thought theyd be good to go based on size. Thanks! I bet that spot will work. How does this food fit into your daily goals? I had a 4 feet tall SirPrize avocado that broke in half during the super windy day in Los Angeles in January 2020. A friend has a Reed seedling tree that makes very good fruit, but its not the same as a grafted (true) Reed. Hi Greg! I would contact Del Rey Avocado Company, as I know that they handle Reed avocados: 2 lamb hass 1 year growing on a raised mound both from 5 gal home depot, 1 gwen 5 gal purchased from a private nursery off Craigslist in San Bernardino/highland growing well on a raised mound for one year, 1 zutano 5 gal from home depot growing on a raised mound for one year, and lastly a bacon and reed both 5 gal from home depot growing in fabric pot planters both just planted fall 2020, the bacon is in a 100 gallon, on the soil, i cut the bottom out of the smart pot so that the roots can go into the ground however the reed is in a 200 gallon fabric pot on a South facing concrete patio, do you think that this reed tree can be productive and stay in this fabric pot permanently? It bloomed here in Hawaii end of February 2022 but only 5 survived up until a few weeks ago. It was first grown on the Lamb Ranch in Ventura County as part of the University of California avocado breeding program. So get fruit year round. Any other recommendations? Im not concerned about Hemet, but what do I do about t he three 2 sprouts? I think that it is due to, in part, the heat wave of July 2018 that caused it to drop almost all its young fruit. Im growing mine half a mile from the beach in Monterey, CA. 38 Ratings. Because avocados dont start to ripen until after theyre picked, growers allow Reed avocados to get as large as 1 1/2 to 2 pounds. What course of action would you recommend at this point? So I was hoping you might know who they are? Thank you very much for taking the time to put out this information very helpful. I am interested. Tiffini, Atkins in San Diego County has Gwen periodically. Reed avocados are very similar to the world-famous Haas avocado but larger and greener. Get Vegan Reed Avocado products you love delivered to you in as fast as 1 hour via Instacart or choose curbside or in-store pickup. This variety is easily distinguishable by its size and shape. My comment was not in reply to aGlorias post but to Greg. I like to wait until a tree is about as tall as me before I let it carry fruit to maturity; if you let it carry fruit earlier, you often stunt the tree to a degree and it can take a year or two for the tree to recover and fruit again. If the avocado is fully ripe, you should hear a rattling noise when you shake it. It is the favorite variety of many California commercial avocado farmers today. Lets hope for no extreme heat in the near future. More information. I know Reed doesnt need a pollinator, but will it cross pollinate with my Reed, Carmen, GEM or Jan Boyce? There are other varieties of avocados too which include - Carmen, Maluma, Shepherd, Tonnage, Macarthur, Hall, Choquette, Anaheim and more. Reed avocados are great when eaten by themselves, but theyre even better when properly paired with other foods. Some other avocado varieties that bear fruit as early or earlier than Reed include Pinkerton, GEM, Carmen, Lamb, and Hass. So far, I cant see any damages by doing this. I took most to church to give away. Do I need a pollinator tree? For some reason our neighborhood has rats now and last year they stripped my plum tree of its fruit. Our neighbor across the street has a Hass in their lawn that has grown quickly from a 5 gal to 10 ft tall and 10 feet wide in approximately 5-6 years.

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reed avocado nutrition