With all sides of humanity fighting against each other and causing more rifts, hatred and anger than ever before, perhaps now is a good time for these "aliens" to show face, expose themselves, even at the risk of war (considering current human wars are already costing thousands of innocent lives) it might unite humanity in some way? Published in this website on December 26, 2004. Answer: The Lacerta Files files would seem, at least in my opinion, to be an obvious work of fiction, for reasons I will come onto shortly. Show me the photos. The very first thing is that you must divide up the conception of the physical world because each existence consists of different layers; lets say for simplicitys sake that it consists of a material illusion and a sphere of influence. With one of those kinds of unstable field structures as your photo indicates I consider it somewhat improbable that that ship is capable of making a flight of that length over the ocean. They are a race that was believed to carry the pathogen virus HPV which causes cancer in humans. (Naturally, it is not easy in my homeland to come into possession of human books, but since my group or family stands in a higher ranking order, I was able to gather some material together and sometimes to speak with others of my kind who have already been in contact with you.) This method had various advantages but also disadvantages. Figures of authority through centuries in higher places have lied to us because they represent their interests and the interests of the 1%. baseball font with tail generator Please read above comments on this. I dont want to go into any kind of detailed description here since I dont want pass on further any false and radical realm of thought.]. You know, never kiss a frog or youll get warts. Answer: Yes, but its forbidden. I esteem toward Lacerta, good tidings and warm regards in wishing her own life journey to likewise grow in a meaningful manner. It is an unusual thought, but perhaps living a simple life with books and nature has taught me to appreciate things which are true, timeless and meaningful. In the one picture, it certainly seems to me that a real existing ship of an alien species was adapted for a small model here. You see, we know the real truth about our roots since 16,000 years. Lets talk about UFOs. Dear Robert, you assume the Lacerta Files are a fictional story and also Lacertas people cannot have a subterranean civilization while, at the same time, have mastered the magnetic technology to fly to the stars. Also register on http://www.luisprada.com/forum, [] : Traduction anglaise de Chris PFEILER. When we are in the public and together with many others of my species we wear very wide and soft clothing made of thin, light stuff. Your historical horizon ends at a scale of just some thousands of years and you think this is right. One race called the Kenedaheim?, and the other called Lemderian? Question: What have happened with the both alien species? Lacerta belongs to an old reptilian race of our planet but it is not of the same renegade ET race that worked with the Anunnaki and the Luciferian Rebellion and with the shadow government in the secret space program. In my memery there is an opening at the end of the cave that is no longer there. This group includes generally your genetic relations except one of them had decided to left this group and your connection with father and mother is often the strongest. Most of the humanoids were killed and the reptilians lost their interest on the planet after some years for (even for us) unknown reasons maybe because of the radiation. Everything paranormal is dualistic, and it exists in the space that matter inhabits as well as in the sphere of influence {Feldraum}. To classify that as good or evil is really quite primitive, for the survival of any species argues for many varieties, among them your own, as well as for even the most varied of the worst or negatively-directed deeds. I must admit to being just a little tiny bit skeptical about the whole thing. It might perhaps sound strange, but hazy and spectrally-shifted photos are sometimes to be interpreted as an indication for a possibly authenticity. Has Cannon uncovered evidence of the Ilojim/Anunnaki survivors of the pre-man holocaust triggered by the Draco reptilians as stated by Lacerta? I mean, in the US the candidates came down to Trump and Hillary you used to have to have a military background to even run. Answer: We dont know exactly. Question: That is the end of the interview. Can you explain to me how our governments came into possession of UFO material to the point that they could start their own projects? However, that can sooner lead to unpleasant consequences for the infiltrator. I want her to tell her world we are not all ignorant. Not anything like her species who are smarter, more evolved, and, well, let's face it, just a whole damn lot better. Most of the species especially the more advanced are just studying you as animals and they are not very dangerous for you and for us and we work together with some of them, but three species are hostile, including the one which was in contact with some of your governments and exchanged their technology for copper and other important things and which had betrayed your kind. Answer: Oh, this is a very long and complex story and it sounds certainly unbelievable to you, but its the truth. So, not only is our DNA mutilated to leave us defenseless. Though, progress only is not being made due to our so called "conditioning," and already well understood (to me at least) ignorance. We watch nature and dont want to see it destroyed. I have seen some strange stuff in my life I cant explain. We have found many skeletons of primitive dinosaurs, but none of an advanced reptilian being with a larger skull and brain and a hand with a thumb as you have described it before. You are our older brother and sisters and you protected us! You are the good guys, why should some one tell us the different(?) Wow, I wanna meet her, maybe she has information of plants I dont know about, perhaps she drinks tea or not. Answer: Open your eyes and see. In addition, the head is the only part of our body where we have hairs. Those in authority are being questioned because the abusers are in the spotlight. The groups with the same values should be one and take care that they evolve in a manner that increases their potential of their values. As long as you will not understand and believe my words I tell you the truth because we are not your enemy as long there is danger for your species. I believe in a Creator and I believe our Creator wants us to be One with the universe, with ourselves with our planet, and love is the only goal, our sole reason of existence. Many of us eat raw flesh or other things which would be disgusting for you. Tenemos que vencer y eliminar nuestros miedos internos pues ellos fueron puestos ah por las muchas experiencias traumticas de control en mltiples reencarnaciones y ahora debemos enfrentarlos para evitar nuestro estancamiento y poder continuar con nuestra evolucin espiritual. Any hope well see an update with another interview with Lacerta in the foreseeable future? It was already my belief that these beings were a reptile species but being shown this prooves it. Who dont want to meet our neighbours who we had never thought to be exist, living beside us? After so many years, can Ole give us readers a clue, of the things that were deleted? The embryo inside this hull is completely autarky from the mothers body and it has every substance it needs to develop inside this chalk hull. We are more than our DNA. Where a friend becomes a treasure and their trust in us which grew about slowly (as all good things do). I hope it is a discussion driven by sanity, truth, respect and love instead of being driven by fears. Personally, I prefer cooked flesh and surface fruits like apples or oranges. Well read on earth alternative history and reptilian physiology, and more. They were MRIed. This building is the tallest, largest and oldest in the entire dome for it is always situated as the first construction together with the security of the ceiling. An illustration of two photographs. I do tend to be a skeptic, but I remain open minded, and simply need proof of the validity of topics such as this To follow ANYTHING blindly is to walk the path of fools. I believe that the concept of consciousness matrix is real due to some theories that can be proven by the effect of endless compression. Los reptilianos sienten el amor pero en su naturaleza son algo fros emocionalmente, son ms mentales. If we are in our own home (this means in our subterranean home) or in our large artificial sun areas and if we are together with others near to our own name, we are usually naked. The reason these files are on the internet is because of me since for a very long time BVW was the only website that carried this interview. Taken from http://www.sabon.org/reptiloid/index4.html . My group or family lives, by the way, in the fourth ring of buildings out from the central support column. Additionally I would be interested if any addtional information from this interviews was released meanwhile, or new information is available. Thank you for this and previous contributions to this subject. There are in the sphere of influence no null-levels; all are the same, but they are separated by means of their energy conditions. Most likely, if the aliens had not descended to planet Earth, things would have gone differently for better or for worse. For example, there is a gigantic partially underground building in the capital which is totally dedicated to my species and that also has a direct approach to an elevator shaft and to an underground system. There is even a medical dispensary and a meeting room located there. Now, lets call it primitive curiosity; I wanted to talk with the person in this cabin and so I knocked on the door. We are different people now. Right now, I only care about fixing what is. K.: The meeting began with an appraisal of diverse questions and opinions which I had gotten from readers of the first transcript in anonymous fashion through distribution from my trustworthy friends. Then, and only then, will you truly see what she says holds the true facts. To the north of the column, there is an additional, very large but very flat round building. This is partly a programming of your mind and partly pure ignorance. The mummies are authentic and the females have eggs in their bellies. You can read about that war for example partly in the book you call Bible in a very strange way of description. I have so many questions no intention to overbear you. If I would now try to change this, it would probably lead to an absolute confusion or to unconsciousness and I dont want to harm you. Does this truly mean that the Illojim has created us and are observing us from somewhere? To begin I would suggest interested people take the time to look-up and read the last interview titled SECURITY OFFICER SPEAKS OUT: Thomas Castello who worked in a high-security joint Repilian/Military DUMB (Deep Underground Military Base) near Dulce, NM as a security officer. CLOSE YOUR MIND AND OPEN YOUR EYES. Other name for God is All That Is. Tambin creo que es interesante saber ellos qu piensan del amor? For this statement will hold absolute fact. Overnight, important data disappeared from the hard drive in my computer. Thanks could relate and prove a lot of your facts so have to do doubt in your interview. Lacerta said in the interview. Many bones of us were used for Iguanodon reconstructions, for example the hands with the visible thumb (look at an Iguanodon in a museum and you will see that Im right.) The reason for that is simply that you lack the basic understanding for seeing the background reasons. This was the beginning of a series of meetings which initially took place there in the woods, but later took place in his remote residence. That facility was the Dulce (DUMB), where many Delta Forces lost their lives and Phil Schneider lost three fingers, part of one foot and a further suffered a severe gash across his abdomen. I believe we are the only two species that have a chance of not being passive, and instead being honest with each other. It is interesting to hear this of a reptilian race. Most people with that type of education, a Masters degree in Theoretical Physics, have filters on, but not to questions the authority but to filter anything they hear that is contrary, conflicts or questions the official point of view of the government or figures of authority. But I have another question. Having said that, research that material to extract what is true but take it with discernment. This symbol was used from certain parts of my society, but it is today very seldom you humans have copied it very often in your old writings. Do you see the distortion and the quasi-light in the rotating cylinders? Adems la educacin y los medios estn sutilmente controlando nuestras mentes. Lacerta would state that because they "usually live beneath the surface of the planet", they would measure time against the "periodically returning cycles in the Earth magnetic field". Meditate on the subjects you study and dont be gullible. Same with ants in the garden, I let them be. Essentially, in the world of real physics, there are no bipolar forces, but rather only observer dependent reflective behavior of a single, large unified force at different levels. A deadly radiation, an over-production of fusion-oxygen, a fall-out of different elements and a nuclear winter for nearly 200 years were the result. Lets try something simpler. You are not. Please answere, too much please. Question: What about photos? lacerta files part 3. Relatively 'unfathomable' change is upon us all. I did not transcribe the interviews. Politics? In the first place, why did you come to Lacerta or why did she come to you. They are available from http://www.bookemon.com for free reading. This one seems to be genuine, at least it displays the necessary characteristics. Id prefer to keep the name as Ole, if you can transcribe it phonetically into Japanese, writing it in Japanese characters. On the other hand, if this is a work of fiction, I hope to read more as it is quite good, and I RELISH topics of science fiction and science fact, the world is a place of wonder, and learning about it has always been a love of mine. I have my full-blown chakra opening in 2004, I had a date dump of all that was, is and will be. The Dulce Files are fictional books based on Dulce Base, which itself seems to have originated from the late Paul Bennewitz, who may have been intentionally. I doubt you can, because your mind is like an open book to read and write for nearly every species I know. In no way, shape or form, do I feel the need to kill them or let them be killed. Maybe, someday we can all come together and eventually learn from each other. For now, we need the Dark Forces to be removed. Again, it is not completely correct, but lets begin in this manner: Tangible matter on this side is mirrored in the sphere of influence {Feldraum} as a field with distinct layers. Note of the Editor of Brother Veritus' Website: These English translations were edited to correct English grammatical errors but message and intent were left intact. Is there a second sun inside our planet? You rely on archeological and paleonthological artifacts which show you a wrong and short past, but how should you know anything about the six civilizations before. Wouldnt it be humane to offer these several surviving reptilians some kind of above ground home and some kind of support to live normal life among and alongside humans? I have reached my adult phase and my awareness 16,337 cycles ago (this is a very important date for us.) Your creation was artificial and done by genetic engineering, but not by us but by an alien species. In this building partial meetings have taken place and do take place between us and humans. What is called the Luciferian Rebellion happened about 200,000 years ago. All paranormal phenomena have a purely scientific origination. War is not always that primitive thing you humans mean with the word, War can be fought on various levels. I believe this is a crucial step towards her kind communicating safety with our kind. Therefore, I count these extraterrestrials among the three groups who are hostile towards you, and while the other two are more occupied with their own business, among them waging a cold war for dominance on your planet, your old friends and partners are preparing to supply themselves finally with the sole and absolute dominance over raw materials and human DNA. I could go on. Theres a muscle or lid over the ears which can completely close them (for example under water). I always have to use very simple words in order to make clear to you the basic principles of a higher kind of science. I do hope that people notice that we have two groups of reptilians: One is native terrans and the other is the aliens. I noticed in one of Lacertas old interviews, she talked about natural sun and how being exposed to it does miracle to her. Question: Have you a tail like normal reptiles? Hello, its possible for people to learn Lacertas skills, or to unlock the program made by illogic in our DNA, or there is some exercise that we can mentally train. Its possible that these are long-distance tests or tests with the electromagnetic camouflage systems. Do you now then have permission to talk with E.F. and me about all these things and even to make this scientifically public? That species, which had built the ships in the first place a species which I, by the way, count among those who are unfriendly towards you was naturally worried about the investigation of their own technology by your kind. If there are no symbols or other symbols, you are maybe in bigger trouble as you think, because not every underground installation belongs to our kind. Why have nobody seen and described a being like you if your kind lives already since our creation together with us on the same planet. Question: I understand. Question: I dont know. No. The stars are shown in front of a blue background and the dragon-circle means the shape of Earth. Do you really think that there could be a small active sun inside the planet? If you really want to try to see one of our craft, you should have a look at the skies over the Arctic, the Antarctic and over Inner Asia (especially over the mountains there.). Question: I have here 5 prints of different UFOs, which claim to show UFOs. Well, I guess that most of you just plain dont understand it, and those who do will not say anything about it to the general public. Take good care of it, dont abuse the living, dont impose your will on others (I got kids, there are some exceptions, I know. We were in contact with them only 3 times in our whole history, because their interest in your planet is different from that of all other races. CLOSE YOUR MIND AND OPEN YOUR EYES AND YOU WILL SEE WHAT I HAVE. of 56 yrs. It was told to you that the higher the ordinal or ranking number of basic matter, the simpler the heightening of the condition, but that is only partially correct. The diameter of the dome according to your measures is about two-and-a-half kilometers. The surviving humanoids on earth obviously died in the years after the bomb and others of their kind and the reptilians never came back to Earth (as far as we know). Thats why Im here and talk to you, thats why I have revealed my real nature to E.F. and now to you and thats why I give you all that secret information and why I will try to answer all the questions on your many sheets of paper honestly. From the United States? [Comment by Ole K.: I certify that the pencil mentioned above abruptly at that very moment jumped into the air to a height of 20 cm and then fell back to the surface of the table. This construction does not make the system better, only more unstable. The best is to post information and make comments voicing your opinion on every subject using the internet and social networks. About who we call Jesus. Therefore, I believe that we are not alone on Earth. If you would be a species living in another or over the plain and if you would be furthermore able to enter plains without technology so that your body is not made of that kind of matter you know, then you would be the mightiest being you can imagine. If that was the Reptilians trying to reacquaint themselves with surface folk a bit too much water has passed under the bridge as we have heard of no more contact since then, either that or some other species got to them first I hope not. Question: Where can we find such a surface-near entry to your world? Personally, I know that I am ignorant because I would like to do that. lacerta files part 3. Many things in current world dont completely add up. A los malos se les permite actuar y hacer su papel para ayudarnos a despertar y a volvernos proactivos y en control y responsablidad de nuestras vidas. Due to the high visibility of BVW in the web and the fact that BVW Facebook is a public group (anybody with a Facebook account can access in full that FB wall) then your translations will be highly visible. Of course we would also ask for help when it became clear that your old partners were ganging up on you. I always knew I was different, things that would make perfect sense to other people were always lost on me, and I always had the sense I was something greater and more sophisticated than a mere human. But I have another question. Los campos obligatorios estn marcados con, https://www.luisprada.com/Protected/the-lacerta-files.pdf, https://www.luisprada.com/the_gullible_mind_explained/, https://www.facebook.com/groups/766971483452388/, Eveil Homme Laffaire Lacerta : Entretien avec une Reptilienne lintgralit des pisodes, https://www.luisprada.com/the_lacerta_files, https://eveilhomme.com/2023/02/11/laffaire-lacerta-entretien-avec-une-reptilienne-lintegralite-des-episodes/. Apparently many of your modern civilized individuals are not in a position to think on their own, but rather let themselves be guided by programming and religion (which is also a manifestation of that ancient programming and part and parcel of the plan of the Illojim). Your generalization is too big as to assume that all humans are nazis because the nazis were humans. According to your human time scale Im around 28 years old. Answer: Who knows, maybe. That would make Lacerta around 45 now, I doubt she is a student anymore. The Illojim had taught their mind and enhanced their brain and their body structure and they were now able to use tools and fire. This explanation presumably sounds to you like as you say something esoteric or from the occult or magic. times. I just want to express some insights based on your comment. Besides, it is not necessary for an understanding of the basic theory; it is connected with diverse phenomena which you would characterize as paranormal.) This will be my last message to the rest of you, insects. Since the para-layer is not confined to the body, it is not even a problem that the pencil lies over there, for I can unerringly reach it, even without moving my matter body. Taken from http://www.sabon.org/reptiloid/index3.html. This cave is dark blue or something like blue and something like glass or cristal cave. Well, most of the dinosaurs died (not all in the detonation but in the bad things which came after the war, especially in the nuclear winter and in the fall-out.) Something is wrong. How then do you expect a benign reptilian race wants to deal with humans?, UNLESS THEY ARE REPTILIAN RENEGADES who have dealt with the secret government of the USA, and have dwelt in underground bunkers of Area 51. I do believe Lacerta, her knowledge is vast and extremely interesting. We have artificial sun-rooms in the underground but this is not the same for us like the real sun. As I have said many times, we [in BVW] do not have mental walls. I believe what you have written. They are the natives. It lacks important characteristics which are tied in with the technically- and physically-associated field. He needs to learn a lesson and Kali Yuga Age is exactly for that. Answer: Pleiades? Answer: Yes. As Ive grown and read so much on the internet I realise with a heavy heart that the chances are the dreams were prophetic. If I talk about artificial sunlight in our cities I dont mean a real sun but various technological sources of light (including gravitational sources) which illuminates the caverns and tunnels. Youre telling me they dont have giant ships orbiting Earth in camouflage or have bases on nearby spatial bodies? This is probably an entry to our world. I rather would value, like yourself, meeting someone with whom I could feel at peace with. No, I would not! Answer: This is a silly question. For example, how do UFOs function, how do they fly, how do they perform the maneuvers that they do? A consciousness/awareness that sends or a consciousness/awareness that listens must first adapt itself to the other mind exactly, before any access is possible. (In the meantime of course there were times when it was completed and reconditioned.) Brother Veritus Community is exactly the opposite to a cult since everybody is entitiled to have their own opinion and study and believe what he likes, obviously with exceptions in the community, like we do not accept atheists and fanatical extremists or people with bad attitudes towards others, who reject good spiritual principles. These beings were intelligent enough not to die in the next millions of years, because they learned to change their behavior, they lived in caves instead in the cold nature and they learned to use stones and branches as first tools and the use of fire as help to warm them especially to warm their blood which is very important for our kind to survive. You see, we are a very old race in comparison to your kind, which was jumping around as small monkey-like animals in the trees at this time while we invented technology, colonized other planets of this system, built large cities on this planet (which disappeared without a trace in the ages) and engineered our own genes while your genes where still those of animals. I am 28 years old for 15 years I denied any religion, I hurt no one, I always knew the good and bad, I always know there is another life among the stars and that we are a primitive and partially intelligent species and thats why we have not been contacted by any race. It is with a gentle kindness to respect another's desire for privacy and perhaps to hope for a manner in which to be able to exchange a measure of sincerity and heart. (Fortunately, the material was also stored on floppies.) This sounds very unbelievable to me. Above its mentioned about a conflict in using electromagnetic weaponry at a facility. Now let's look at evolved, what does evolved mean? Some layers of the field contain simple information about the solid matter of your body and its frequency, while other layers {contain information about} your spirit, your consciousness or, speaking from a human-religious point of view, your soul. The native Americans, as we now call them, used to thank the earth for the food it profited them, they thanked the animal they killed for food. I use my primary abilities for mimicry and for communication with my own kind and sometimes for other private things, but Ive never used it to harm humans or their mind. I dont need Lacerta to teach me about God or any other creature. Lacerta said that 14 alien species were active on . Dogma in religion and science. Question: A last question: youve said earlier, that you can hide your UFOs?

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lacerta files part 3