I went back and read all the autopsy reports and attempted to interpret them. And, is it just a coincidence that LG and Terry were unaccounted for that night and then, strangely, they both made public appearance right at 9:00 pm at night? Why else would *Chris* have patterned bruises on his thighs(could be finger marks)? If Terry had been spotted driving around with LG by either the Moores, Byers or any policemen who might have been in the vicinity, that could have raised some difficult questions for Terry to answer. Terry Hobbs was born in 1958 in Northern Arkansas, one of four children, son of Edith Raylean McLeod Hobbs and Joe Dean Hobbs, Sr. Hobbs, Sr. learned his trade as a butcher while in the military and went on to open thirty restaurants. RIDGE: OKAY, AND WHAT DID YOU DO WHEN YOU WENT DOWN THERE? Where do you get all this from? Look what you made me do! The question is, why? Additionally, Stevie, by both Pam and Terrys accounts was a well behaved boy who did not disobey. David Jacoby also claimed to have seen the three boys in the street at this time; one on a skateboard and the others on bikes. Privacy Policy. When you look at the evidence as a whole, it is quite clear and truly undeniable what really occurred that tragic day. The removal of the clothes was a very significant act. LG never mentioned whether he was dropped off at home or not, but I have a theory about what happened next, which I will now describe. As CrimeOnline previously reported, Damien Echols, along with friends Jason Baldwin and Jesse Misskelly, were convicted of murder in 1994, in connection with the murders of Chris Byers, Michael Moore, and Steven. However, I dont think it takes an expert to see that the mark above Stevies eye appears to truly be a bite mark. That 1 cop will have bumped into everyone in that southern, 90s, dick-liking community. In other words, a bite on Stevies face would likely mean that his perpetrator was a parent or step-parent. West Memphis 3 murders Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. Aaron adds a few more details to what the boys had seen down in those woods: RIDGE: UM, DO YOU THINK THOSE MEN WERE CRAZY? In the autopsy reports, it, As noted earlier, the autopsies revealed that Michael was quickly incapacitated with a few defensive wounds to the hands, which implied to the Medical Examiner that Michael. Additionally, they would have focused on someone who lived in West Memphis and knew the Blue Beacon Woods well. Jamie and her sister believe that this occurred at 6:30, while their mother believes that the boys were playing in her backyard somewhere between 5:30-6:30pm. Due to the fact that the three were so severely injured, a weapon had to have been used at some point. In Terry Hobbs daughters own diary she talks about having dreams about having sex with her dad and that she is sure that he didnt molest her from age 15 years old to 19. According to Mark, Terry told him that the boys had been seen heading to the woods and that he was going to head down that way to look. When they returned the four men continued to submerge the boys clothes with sticks and, finally, hastily threw the last items of clothing in the water as it grew dark. I think its highly probable that Terry repeatedly bit Stevie on his face, mostly on his left side. They had contusions, which are bruises, which had to have happened before death, on their ears, under eyes, over eyes, on forehead, etc. As noted earlier, the autopsies revealed that Michael was quickly incapacitated with a few defensive wounds to the hands, which implied to the Medical Examiner that Michaelwasin fact the first one to be attacked. However, knowing that a DNA sample was found on Stevies penis coupled with the knowledge that Chris may have allegedly been bitten on his penis and scrotum as well, I feel the chances are quite high that Stevie, too, may have been bitten in his penis. But what we found over the years of investigating and in the process of creating the series people, their memories fade. If Stevie had disobeyed and never returned home or even waited a full two hours before doing so, he would have lost his bicycle privleges for two weeks, and probably would have gotten a pretty severe whipping from Terry. Ive thought about this in length and I think I understand what may have occurred. So the chance of them basing their statements off of the practically endless information found on the internet is nil. HES NEVER SEEN THEM, AARON: CAUSE IT WAS ON A FRIDAY WHENEVER HE WENT DOWN THERE WITH US. Also, he may have searched for the boys in the woods around 5pm when he dropped Pam off at work, also when Terry was unaccounted for. I feel the reason for this was because Bennie knew no one would listen to him as long as someone else was locked up for the crime. We can assume this because of the 6:00/6:30 sighting from the service road. They also could have used them to dry and clean their feet after entering the ditch. I believe that their bias came into play when they claimed that, just like they claimed Chris drowned even though they admitted he died before he was put in the water! For years, the stepfather of one of the three children killed in West Memphis, Arkansas, has maintained his innocence, despite public outcry to investigate him. RIDGE: OKAY. What this shows us is that Jacoby knows the truth. No. Steven Branch had lacerations on his penis which were probably self-inflicted indicating a sexualized child, usually associated with sexual abuse. I allege that LG was confronted by his parents because of some evidence that pointed to his guilt, and when caught, LG told them that Damien had committed the murder and he that had only helped them in some small way. Stevie promises and the boys leave. At first she claimed that this happened at 4:30 and at the murder trials, she claimed it was sometime after 5pm. If we want to understand why those boys might have gotten killed in those woods we need not look further than Aarons own statements made to police shortly after the murders. She hasnt seen him or Michael by this point. YOUVE SEEN THE CLUB HOUSEVICKIE: UH-HUH (YES) I HAVE SEEN IT SEVERAL TIMESRIDGE: ALRIGHT, AND HES BEEN FOUND THERE BY YOU SEVERAL TIMES? ALRIGHT DID CHRIS AND MICHAEL DID THEY TELL YOU THAT THEY THOUGHT THEY HAD GOT CAUGHT. One woman, in particular, saw the boys inside the woods from her truck when traffic has slowed. He actually worked in a slaughterhouse. This is where you ask yourself why Jacoby would lie to protect Hobbs and also why he would openly admit he lied in 2013. May 1993. Its when you combine all the known evidence, much of the debate and the different positions, it all leads here, to this. I just find it amazing that she let this slip out and the police never even caught on. Im not sure if that rumor is true or not, but I do believe TH may have done it & DJ knew about it. Why in the world were the two men (or Terry alone) searching for the boys when it was light out if Terry had already said that Stevie could stay out till 8:00 pm? He flat out states that there is "not one shred of evidence and noting in the behavioral backgrounds of Damien Echols, Jason Baldwin, or Jessie Misskelley Jr. to suggest that any were guilty of murder." Published: May. I truly believe the real killer(s) are still out there and it's not the WM3. They are also one of very few people,who hadfamily memberswho suspected that they were involved and actually contacted police as a result of those suspicions. We know this because it appeared as though Stevie had struggled while he was restrained. Right around 8:40, I believe that David would have walked or driven home, depending on who was driving that night and Terry and LG would have gotten into Pam and Terrys small, white Toyota. For the latest true crime and justice news,subscribe to the Crime Stories with Nancy Grace podcast. He later changed that story and claimed she told them they were at some apartments. What is most interesting, however, is that most of the public did not know that Chris was on a skateboard at one point that afternoon. What stands out to me, is that no one has ever suggested before that the injury to Chris began as a bite. It seems extremely unlikely that one person would have been able to do this on their own in such a short period of time. After ending his first marriage, he wed Pamela Hicks Branch in 1986, when her son Stevie was almost 2 years old. It is completely illogical to believe that LG would have driven nearly ten minutes away to get the phone number of someone who was in walking distance from him. Its important to note that the details of Aarons interview were not open to the public until 2006. The three new witnesses were polygraphed about what . I'm digging into this right now. Back to the timeline. I will not claim that everything I write is certified fact, but I do believe that all the known evidence supports this theory as the truth of what happened in West Memphis, Arkansas in 1993. Additionally, approximately a month before the murders, a friend of Chris Byers brother claimed to have seen Michael and Chris with their pants down, simulating a sex act in the exact way that homosexual men preform sex; one boy was standing up and bent over and the other boy was standing behind him and they both had their pants down. I believe that David did ask Terry where Stevie was when Terry showed up at 5:30 and that Terry told him the truth: Stevie was riding his bike and would be back by dark (8pm). (1) Strangely, Buddy first says that he has a man who will testify that he worked with Buddy all that day and then later on in the conversation, Buddy claims that his boss will testify that he was at work on the 5th. Secondly, Michael was tied up on one side using square knots. Its difficult to know all of Narlenes reasons but I have a feeling about one of them. The second that Terry would have hit Michael in the face or head, would also be the split second he knew all three had to die. David Jacoby claims that Terry showed up and the two played guitar for an hour, which also doesnt add up when you know all the details. To corroborate this letter, Byers and Hicks lawyer and investigator contacted Bennies friend, Billy Stewart. I believe as David dragged Chris with him back to the others, he picked up one of the boards that lay in the open nearby. You really would need magic to pull it off. And why would Jacoby publicly and openly admit that he lied under penalty of perjury and to police back in 2007? Both Guy and Stewart have tried since 1994, thirteen years before Terry and David were even suspects, to tell the authorities what they had been told. According to Clemente, suspects who have something to hide, such as evidence, or signs of abuse at the home, will not want police to search their residence and will attempt to put distance between themselves and where the abuse took place. Hobbs may be awful, but nothing accounts for the beating and drowning that took place. Stevie Branch was also tied with a less common and more complicated knot on one side, a Figure Eight Knot. WE ALWAYS GOT A PLACE TO HIDE BEFORE THEY CAN GET THERERIDGE: WHERE DID YOU HIDE?AARON: WE HIDE ONE TIME WE HIDE BEHIND UM A TREE. Additionally, the act of biting the scrotum and stabbing the groin area speaks volumes about the identity of the killer. Buddy also knew Billy, so he, too would have told Terry to go by Billys. Also during the interview, Hobbs said he still wants to know why someone would kill the boys. Allegedly, David Jacoby fell in his effort to catch the third child and in doing so, scraped his knee. So that would prove that there are only two reason why Jacoby would lie to protect Hobbs: its either because he participated in the murders himself or he knows Hobbs did it and he has known it for many years. HE TOLD THE REST OF THE MEN TO HOLD THEM OR SOMETHING AND PROBABLY DID IT. It makes absolutely no sense that she would have brought five people along with her at almost 10pm at night to pick someone up. Everybody said that Damian, I know that hes suppose to have 666 on his shoes. I learned about this case 3 years ago. Further, there is some belief that part of the injury to Stevies penis was also a bitemark. I dont believe when Terry first saw them that he intended to kill them. When police finally did ask Buddy where he was the night of the 5th, he claimed that he barbecued with his family and then brought over some barbecue chicken to Jessie who ended up not being there. He was one of four children and came from a strict and religious family. and our As mentioned earlier, Terry Hobbs, like John Mark Byers before him, was fingered as a suspect in 2012's West of Memphis after a hair found at the crime scene was genetically matched to him. Additionally, Michael Moore was tied on one side of his body using a somewhat complicated knot, called a Square Knot. Apparently, there was a bank near the ditch that appeared to have been slicked down and cleaned off to the point that there was no grass or leaves at all in that one area. If the cop is a nobody, it's marginally tougher, but still doable. In fact, in 2012 the animal hair found on the boys bodies was tested; revealing that the animal hair was from both canines and felines. They were so sure that the murders were part of a satanic ritual done by teenagers, and were so desperate to make sure that Aarons answers revealed that, that eventually Aarons statements began to get more and more fantastical and implausible. Lets begin with Buddy. Echols is one of three men found guilty in the brutal murders of three eight-year-old boys in West Memphis in 1993. My theory is that Chris had tried to get into his home and failed and was heading back to Stevies house when he was picked up by his dad instead. David claims a little black girl told them the boys were heading to the woods. Stevie also appeared to have a footwear impression on the back of his head; meaning that Stevie was likely kicked or stomped at the end of his attack. However,wehave the ability to read all the information and evidence that is available to the public, and its not difficult to see that itallsupports that this theory is more than just a theory. CHRISTY, I WAS TALKING TO A GIRL NAMED CHRISTY AND SHE TOLD ME THAT SHE THOUGHT THEY HAD FOUND ONE OF THE BODIES. I believe he intended to terrify and threaten them so they would never, ever speak of what they had seen.

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was terry hobbs ever found