Instead, Jesus came as a suffering servant. . Painful as they are, all our deaths and endings hold lessons we cannot live wisely without. With its climax of Good Friday and Easter, it is the most sacred week of the Christian year. An all powerful King enters on a colt, is rebuked by sinners who think themselves saints, and weeps over the city that is about to join in his execution. He knew that they, the jeering crowd would shout out Let him be crucified! And that when Pilate asked, Why, what evil has he done? they would shout all the more, Let him be crucified! And Pilate would release Barabbas for them; and after flogging Jesus, he would be handed over to be crucified. And forgive us our trespasses,as we forgive those who trespass against us. Hosanna, and may God your Father give you strength for what is to come. John 12:12-19 (NLT2) Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. The Sunday before Easter Sunday is called Palm Sunday. So keep awake and be ready. The Easter season is a time calling for praise and rejoicing. I wondered about that question as I thought about and prepared for today. Michael Herman Scripture Reference: Matthew 21:1-17 The stage is set. For centuries, the church has memorialized today, the first day of Holy Week, as Palm Sunday because of the palm branches and cloaks that the people spread out before Jesus as he entered Jerusalem. Instead, what they got by Friday morning was a bloodied has-been, a man in Roman custody, rejected by their own leaders, standing next to an infamous criminal called Barabbas. The last sermon was preached one week after Easter. Take people to Jesus. Palm Sunday is the doorway into this week. What Christ's triumphal entry means to you Well, today were going to look at the Triumphal Entries of Jesus as recorded in Scripture. (There are two gospel readings: Matthew 21:1-11 (the triumphal entry) and Matthew 27:11-54 (the passion)). Its Your Choice Mark 11:1-10, CCPA Do not sell my personal information. Theme: Keep your eyes on Jesus. . It is no coincidence that at the celebration of the Lord's Supper we recite the words of Palm Sunday, singing, "Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Lets take a look at the actual event about 2000 years ago of what led to Palm Sunday Celebrations! Luke 19:28-44 O Lord, we pray, speak in this place, in the calming of our minds and in the longing of our hearts, by the words of my lips and in the thoughts that we form. An exciting rumor spread through the city: ''Jesus Christ is coming!'' So you can be certain I'll be at home today glued to a TV in anticipation of who will win the coveted Green Jacket. In Zech 9:9, we read, ''Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion; shout, O daughter of Jerusalem: behold, thy King. Sinners like us. Celebration of Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord Homily of His Holiness Pope Francis Saint Peter's Basilica Sunday, 5 April 2020. I had heard that this Easter season is the earliest Easter we will ever experience in our lifetime. Philip Ryken, A Day of Applause There is actually a biblical reason that we call this Palm Sunday. Why do we celebrate Palm Sunday? It's Your Choice Mark 11:1-10, Humility: The View from Below (John 12:12-18), Palm Sunday: The Trial Between the Triumphs (Matthew 21:1-11, 26:36-27:66). by Craig Webb on Monday, March 03, 2008 at 6:00 AM Sermon series: Foundations of Our Faith Hosanna in the highest." Christ pours out that same blood he shed in Jerusalem into the cup to bring to us the forgiveness of sins. We would fight off the enemy. We celebrate Jesus coming into Jerusalem knowing His fate but still celebrating His arrival. This Is The One - A Palm Sunday Sermon On Matthew 21:1-11 April 5, 2020 Michael K. Marsh 8 Comments Palm Sunday - Matthew 21:1-11 A parishioner's front door decorated for Palm Sunday Most years Palm Sunday tends to focus on the palms. Peace and Holy Week blessings to you. Easter Sunday's focus was the resurrection. And if youre in such a crowd theres only a couple of safe ways to behave. Jesus "emptied himself, taking the form of a servant" (Phil 2:7).Let us allow these words of the Apostle Paul to lead us into these holy days, when the word of God, like a refrain, presents Jesus as servant: on Holy Thursday, he is portrayed as the . Hosanna they shouted Hosanna in the highest Heaven. In-Person Worship Modern Service @ 9:50 & 11:10 AM Traditional Service @ 8:30 AM Directions 500 N. Watterson Trail Louisville, KY 40243 Phone: (502) 245-9793 Get Directions You've heard that the Messiah has come. Behind Him were At times in scripture we see that God instructed his prophets to speak his instructions to God's people. They waved palm branches in a celebratory fashion to welcome Him. Jesus likely had been with His 12 Disciples for about 2 years and as we will soon note that Jesus was beginning to teach about Church Of God. assembly times. Sermons; Media Gallery; Contact Us; Members. In the gospel of St Mark, His first words are: The time is accomplished, and the kingdom of God is at hand. There can be jeering crowds and there is also a crowd mentality. Last time we covered the time starting after Jesus resurrection and concluded with the apostles spreading the Gospel throughout parts of Asia and Europe. Sundays Online Worship @ 11 AM Join us every Sunday at 11 AM on YouTube Live and Facebook Live for an online service that includes songs, communion, a sermon, and more. Last week we noted from Mark Chapter 7, Jesus taught the importance of having a right heart. Palm Sunday Sermon: What Kind of King Did You Expect? We might except that Jesus would have come into town instead on a Clydesdale horse, or a lion, or something regal. Sermon text: Mark 11: 1-11. Our Top 5 Palm Sunday sermons will ignite your own creativity as you prepare to preach about Jesus entry into Jerusalem on the week before Easter Sunday. Several years ago I preached a sermon series I called "The Road to the Hill." You can find that series, and 15 more Easter sermons, in Sermon Outlines for Busy Pastors: Easter Sermons. Life-giving Turmoil - A Sermon for the Sunday of the Passion: Palm Sunday, Matthew 21:1-11. This year there is no palm procession. Just as predicted by the prophets. Those same people that welcomed Jesus into Jerusalem by shouting, Hosanna, would later reject Jesus and shout, Crucify him! Here comes Jesus into the city of Jerusalem. They mockingly placed a crown of thorns on Jesus head at His crucifixion. Whatever your Holy Week is whatever it brings you, takes from you, or asks of you it already resounds with the echoes of Easter. In the centuries since, Christians have celebrated this day as Palm Sunday, the first day of Holy Week. All Rights Reserved. Keep your eyes on the 1. They ask him to rebuke the people for what theyre saying the whole Blessed is the King bit. read more, Scripture: It is a mystery which the crowd can never quite accept. Zechariah 9:9, Denomination: read more, Scripture: The mind of the crowd moves to one side, or the other, of an issue. Churches are decorated with palms today in remembrance of the waving of the palm branches. The Pharisees and the people had their problems, and so do we. This Sunday, Pastor Layne starts our Lenten sermon series with a message on Palm Sunday (Mark 11:1-11). Its a phrase found in the Hebrew Scriptures, going back to Psalm 118, a psalm that rejoices in the Lords triumph. Yes, at the end of Magnolia Dr. sits a course that meanders thru the tall Georgia pines, past flowering azaleas/dogwoods, and around Amen Corner that presents its eventual champion w/ the most coveted prize in all of golf - the green jacket. For centuries, the church has memorialized today, the first day of Holy Week, as Palm Sunday because of the palm branches and cloaks that the people spread out before Jesus as he entered Jerusalem. Reflection: by Kathryn Matthews Huey. Free Access to Sermons on 70 Palm Trees, Church Sermons, Illustrations on 70 Palm Trees, and Preaching Slides on 70 Palm Trees. They waved palm branches in a celebratory fashion to welcome Him. When the World Trade Center collapsed following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, workers excavating the site found a cross-shaped beam, that standing upright amid the ruin and debris, became a make-shift center of worship. Its in the air. Lets see four aspects of Jesus second entry: Verse 11 tells us that Jesus will be riding on a white horse. Let us note a few things This morning we are going to take a look at palm Sunday, at the campaign trail, so to speak, the events that led up to this glorious day where thousands of people were ecstatic about Jesus coming into their town. If you dont agree, better stay silent, or leave unnoticeably. And according to the Pharisees, this was a problem. After 2020 nothing will be normal again. Mark 11:1-11 "As they approached Jerusalem and came to Bethphage and Bethany at the Mount of Olives, Jesus sent two of his disciples, saying to them, "Go to the village ahead of you, and just as you enter it, you will find a colt tied there, which no one has ever ridden. 03:12 - Source: CNN. His work at the second triumphal entry will make it possible for us experience that salvation in full. Methodist, Palm Sunday Lord in your mercy hear our prayer, We pray, O God, for all who are in deep need this day, We pray for those who like Jesus enter this week knowing that they will suffer Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer, We pray for those who like Jesus enter this week knowing that they will be rejected and reviled even though innocent of any crime. Lots of people who didnt even know who Jesus was even though hed been the talk of the city in recent weeks. I have sometimes struggled with Palm Sunday. And the multitudes that went before, and that followed, cried, saying, Hosanna to the Son of David: Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord; Hosanna in the highest. (Matt.21:9) Why did Palm Sunday happen and the right focus? In Jerusalem were powerful people who hated Jesus and wanted Him dead. This is the promise to which all of us have been looking since we gave our lives to Jesus! Palm-Sunday-Sermon-2021 Download "Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Sion; proclaim it aloud, O daughter of Jerusalem; behold the King is coming to thee, just and a savior" (Zach 9:9). It reminds us of the story of Dr. John Bowring who heard the story of the destruction of a magnificent cathedral on the Island of Macao in the region of Hong Kong. Palm Sunday: Hosanna or Crucify Him? Scripture says that as humans we are like a flower that blooms, then quickly fades and withers, and is soon no more. Jesus rides into Jerusalem on the back of a colt and in Mark we read, "Many people spread their cloaks on the road, and others spread leafy branches that they had cut in the fields.". Change). Rev. Most years Palm Sunday tends to focus on the palms. Today, my brethren, we celebrate the prophecy of Zacharias. The disciples must have thought they had it made. They were ready to celebrate. Holy Week and Easter will not happen in the church this year like they have in previous years. On this day prophecy was fulfilled, for the prophet Zechariah had recorded this event some 400 years earlier. The Lord Jesus enters Jerusalem amidst waving palm branches and shouts of ''Hosanna.'' That is a powerful message. Reading, Sermon and Prayer for 31 July 2022 The Parable of the Rich Fool, Reading, Sermon and Prayers for 24 July 2022, Reading, Sermon and Prayers for 17 July 2022. He knew what was to come and yet he ate and drank with Judas. People respond to Jesus' arrival with joy, betrayal, or the offering of their lives. He is coming with the vaccine no scientist could come out with. Later in life as teen I would lie under the trees and dream of my future. Theme: The passion story isn't just a long one, so rich, so full of both trouble and beauty that we hardly know where to begin. Psalm 118:19-29. (Palm Sunday) THE ARRIVAL OF THE KING - Vss. And so often the balance is delicate and fragile for a crowd can soon turn on you. Soon a woman came along and curtly told the man that he was seated in 'her seat'. Today, well learn about the next era in church history. Hosanna. 1-3 He has come to Jerusalem to save his people. However, Jesus absorbed judgment instead. The second time Jesus comes God will prepare His Son to deal the judgment. And as we feel the deep tragedy of their words, of their blindness, we shouldnt expect that wed have been any different. We offer 30,000+ outlines and 10,000+ free sermon illustrations from top Christian pastors and communicators. Crucify Him! 13 took palm branches and went down the road to meet him. ", We will start today with a new Message Series on the Letters to Timothy. Jesus would suffer greatly; He would suffer as a servant who would be obedient to God the Father, even to the point of death. [on screen]. He willingly laid down His life and never once resisted. Theyre pumped that Jesus will be their Messiah King! When He returns, He will return in a new way for a new purpose. He is coming with the God loves us, so He wanted to deliver us from the judgment, so He sent Jesus to absorb it. In Jerusalem were powerful people who hated Jesus and wanted Him dead. But once youve seen a preview a few times, the novelty wears off doesnt it? It will be difficult and painful; Holy Week always is. Whens the last time youve taken someone to Jesus? [on screen]. With that sword and that iron rod, Jesus will bring authority, rule, and destruction. This is a marvelous work by Gods doing which then launches the day of salvation (Psalm 118:2324). The point is, unbelievers look at us and call us fools. And we wont gather in the dark to kindle a new fire and light the Paschal Candle. (LogOut/ To teach that comfort and joy can come from keeping your eyes on Jesus. We wont wash feet. read more, Scripture: And this crowd, this day was in a happy mood. These two books are invaluable tools for anyone presuming to preach during Holy Week! Look at what you hold in your mind or handThe palm cross of hosanna! The baptismal water is not magic; it is an outward and visible sign, something we can see so that we understand what has happened spiritually. He knew what was to come on the following Friday. Great definition! We dont celebrate Palm Sunday because were in Florida, and palm trees surround us. Focus Phrase: 1. The last act of the drama begins. All rights reserved 2020. Speak, Lord, for your servants listen. Hosanna, blessed are you who have come in the name of the Lord to save and deliver your people. COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER: The text contained in this sermon is solely owned by its author. Now this salvation and success is nothing generic. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. The crowd that Jesus faced in those heady days when he entered into Jerusalem was both. Welcome: We want to extend a special invitation to you to join us this Friday night for a special, reflective evening as we focus on the suffering that Jesus experienced. However, did you know that the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem before His crucifixion and resurrection is not the only triumphal entry of Jesus in the Bible? To teach that comfort and joy can come from keeping your eyes on Jesus. Free Sermons and Sermon Outlines for Preaching : Triumphal Entry A Misnomer For Palm Sunday? Prepare your message for a Palm Sunday service to celebrate Christ's ministry. They wanted an incomparable king, but they would see a beaten blasphemer. read more, Last Sunday in his childrens devotion, Mr. Donovan talked about movie previews. He pointed out how previews package up the highlights of an upcoming movie to get you excited about seeing that film. Press, 2021). Assembly Of God. The pictures highlight the significance of the Palm Sunday experience--branches thrown in the path of the oncoming Messiah, the entrance into the Holy City, and the triumph that Jesus experienced as He rode through the streets of . John 12:12-19, Denomination: Show them His love and tell them of His grace. Marching in the Wrong Parades - A Palm Sunday Sermon. Matthew 21:1-11. The narrative in Mark 11 is abbreviated but similar to the one in Matthew. Heres why I say that: When [Jesus] entered Jerusalem, the whole city was in turmoil.. His work made it possible for us to receive the promise of salvation. But it will, it does, and Psalm 118:25 captures the hope: Save us, we pray, O LORD! Some people celebrate Palm Sunday out of a sense of obligation or nostalgia, while others view the occasion with skepticism. Sermons by Date; Sermons by Series; Old Testament Sermons . We find an example of this in Luke 19:28-40. He will also trample the winepress of the fierce anger of God, the Almighty. But watch out Jesus! Apparently priests in the medieval church were only allowed to say mass once per day. A visual guide to the big ideas, structure, theology, and historical background of 2 Samuel. Tell them to shut up. A true servant We are a nondenominational congregation of Christians located in West Palm Beach aiming to be faithful in every way to Jesus Christ. Editor QUOTE: From ''The For those of you who may not be aware, today is the most sacred day of the year in professional golf - Sunday at the Masters. CNN . He said of the city of Jerusalem, also called Zion, that her king would come on a young donkey. Because in a very few days, those same people are going to be a very different sort of a crowd for you! And according to the crowd, this was a problem. And when we look past Good Friday, past Easter, to the events of Pentecost and to the time when the Spirit descended on the disciples like tongues of flame and they began to praise God and speak in other languages, we discover that some of the onlookers saw it as a miraculous event. Faith in God cannot be adequately explained by human reason. Leave our best parking places for our guests. the year will be in several hundred years. For more than 20 years, Sermons That Work, a ministry of The Episcopal Church's Office of Communication, has provided free sermons, Bible studies, bulletin inserts, and other resources that speak to congregations across the Church. Matthew 21:1-11, Mark 11:1-11, Denomination: It's the Sunday before Passover, most likely in the Spring of 29. Its important to understand the people this passage expected Jesus to be a mighty warrior king who would help them regain their political and geographical status as the rulers of Israel. Yet, in His love, He sent His divine, sinless, royal Son to absorb the judgment for our sin. Jesus certainly attracted crowds. We read of the response to Jesus, but because we know the story, we know its not real. Behold Your King Comes unto You He was humble and walked the path of obedience all the way to death his death on the cross. Its the tension in our lives. (Psalm 118:26). The Palm Sunday message is one of humility, promise, and absolute peace. GREAT EXPECTATIONS, MAJOR. But actually, it wasnt the palm branches that were the problem so much as what the people were saying. 15-16 ***** Matthew 21:1-11. Its the day the Sunday School children process into the church, waving their palm branches, and we as a congregation sing Hosanna, Loud Hosanna, remembering For example in a packed sports stadium for a sports match, there are those who are for one team, and those who are against. 8-Week Series for Lent. Over Disease - Vs. 14 . The first time Jesus came into town, He came into town riding on a donkey. The first hymn that we sang today, All glory, laud, and honour, to you, Redeemer King, is a favourite one for Palm Sunday. On Palm Sunday Jesus gave evidence of the deep love that He has for His people, and the world, which we see through the tears that He cried over Jerusalem. Palm Sunday: Countdown to Resurrection On the day we call Palm Sunday, Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a young donkey. John 12:12-16, Denomination: Jesus is not playing around when He comes on a white horse. I want you to look around at everything that is happing. is a leading resource that provides tools and ideas for pastors and church leaders to help them lead well. 2023 SermonSearch. Sign up for our newsletter: A story is told about a famous preacher long ago who pastored a church that was filled every Sunday by people who traveled miles on foot just to hear his messages. The man apologized and apparently moved away to a pew reserved for is an online resource for sermon outlines and preaching ideas. Again, the Jewish people of Jesus day thought that Jesus was coming to deal judgment to the bad guys. He wore a robe dipped in blood That wasnt his blood, by the way. Perhaps 2.5 million people crowded the narrow streets converging on this holy city at Passover time. These special ceremonies were taking place toward the end of the . It was the time of year to celebrate the Jewish Passover and thousands upon thousands of Today we celebrate Palm Sunday-the Sunday before Easter. The next time Easter week falls this early in Philip Ryken. A Palm Sunday sermon illustraing the turn of events from the joyful shouts of "Hosanna" on Palm Sunday to "Crucify Him" on Good Friday. When Jesus comes He will be wearing many crowns, which demonstrate His true royalty! Lets look at John 12:12-16. A triumph was a ceremonial and celebratory procession through the streets of a city. You see, the first time Jesus came He secured salvation for us by giving His life on the cross. the Pharisees object. This is the kind of welcome reserved for Israels Savior. Palm Sunday is a day when Christians traditionally celebrate the Triumphal Entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. However, when Jesus was glorified, then they remembered that these things had been written about him and that they had done these things to him. If God and Jesus are hard for you and faith does not make sense, please allow me to make a suggestion. [Inspiration and ideas found in the sermon introduction, as well as other sections of the sermon comes from John Dominic Crossan's vivid descriptions in his work, The Last Week] Two processions entered Jerusalem on a spring day in the year A.D. 30. Crowds left palm fronds and . I hope you hear the echoes of Easter in the list of who this one is because Im going to ask you to do something. 16And he has a name written on his robe and on his thigh: King of Kings and Lord of Lords. It is not the righteous, after all, who Jesus came to save, but sinners. Uvalde is in turmoil. When we think of crowds what feelings come into our minds?
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