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I am from north atlanta in the suburbs. I am from a long lineage of Southerners, and we are anything but ignorant (like yourself). We drink and figure it out. My family uses that saying all the time and were from Pennsylvania.then again my family uses ALOT of southern saying. I just hate how its affected your spelling and capitalization skills, you being so smart and all . Heres a couple of mean ones: dumber than a door nail They will give you a detention for it. I was down here barely 3 hit by a hit and run.two weeks later so asshole hit my car in a parking lot and left..two weeks after that some STUPID BITCH was TEXTING WHILE DRIVING and rear ended me. Nearly everyone has a relative that lived in Chicago at some point or your family still works there. Kinyour family. Northern teachers dont even like you saying to them yes-um instead of yes mam. Heres a sampling of words only Southerners say. All that Im trying to say is that there are coldhearted people everywhere, both North and South. We ask what in the cattywampus youre on about, and were often discombobulated by a good many things. (I never really thought that it would have extended beyond there, never mind beyond Louisiana. I always liked Buggy: its not a shopping cart, but a buggy, Might Could: a polite way of presenting your options, Caddywompus a.k.a. But why so much animosity towards us? Theyre a brownish golden color. They thought is was cute and endearing. Kiln is another one that seems obvious but isn't. Arkansas is VERY Southern by the life style and has been for years and years especially the deep South where the cotton grows. Apparently, you were TOO lazy for grammar. Real Nice- (Real pronounced rill) Sometimes a sarcastic way a sayin great. The only reasonable explanation to say transfer as you've described is that you were private schooled. Categories: . Speak for yourself DWK. The Oklahoma Indian Territory, because it was not a state at that time (confederacy territory) had many battles pushing back the Kansas union regular soldiers and stopping their push, south and east to trap the other southern states. 18008 Bothell Everett Hwy SE # F, Bothell, WA 98012. St. Louis and Kansas City (both are in MO, for the geographically challenged) are both Midwest, not southern. No wonder people have different dialects,its almost eight hundred miles from Houston to El Paso. No one told you to come down here so stop whining about it put ur big girl draws on and see yourself out. Southern accents! pronunciation. You might know that if you had ever lived in a northern state its clear you havent, hence the display of ignorance about it. However, in times where a flexing the intellect was necessary, we resort to that I have a stick up my ass, and nose held high cause I am properly educated ;)and when we leave, we speak in our native tongue again. : One that doesnt return to the North, but wants to constantly complain about the heat and our Sourthern ways while they take all of our jobs. Hopefully, you get something more than a piddling raise from your company this year! We barely make the cut, and were south of the Mason Dixon. Hence, not only South Louisiana being more heavily Catholic, but also the French and/or Louisiana French Creole word for, Im assuming, godfather.. Share . And something crooked, like a picture or a piece of furniture, was sigogglin. *Dumber How about he didnt know whether to take a crap or brush his teeth, or how about he didnt know whether to shit or go blind. Also, when describing ones former poverty situation, We didnt have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of. We also use dumber than a bag of doorknobs and dumb as a box of hammers. Northwestern Nebraska (the sand hills) is a place you can drive for miles and miles and never see a soul, just long, tall grass, a windmill, or a cow. 3. south florida international orthopaedics. Like when talking to more than 1 person. Its like your going to all of em. And u make no sense when you refer to the yanks as being cold-hearted when really it was the southern racist ways that were cold-hearted. Down here, there is no Pepsi. Im a redneck girl and damn proud of it. More information about this error may be available REBEL SCUM THAT IS YALL TO YOU SISTER AND DADDY LOVING BASTARD HILLBILLIES! ESP. Not at all. Stir until all sugar is disolved, Or with a different accent? Want to raise my children up right by being around people who are friendly, not always friendly around here. He shut up. Bean pole/ a stick or rod used in a garden to provide support to bean vegetation, usually but not always a bamboo stick, used to describe a sickly skinny person. My step mother is from Boston and still just calls it a winger hat. Word of the day - in your inbox every day, 2023 HowToPronounce. Somos una revista Mdico Cientifica en el rea esttica dedicada 100% a llevar el conocimiento del estudio a la prctica. The few times that I ever argued with my mother while growing up, if she gave up, she would say your a$$ is the blackest! My southern love has no respect for anything other than my ancestral histories and pride in the morality and tenacity of what it took in character to settle untamed wilderness while maintaining a civil tradition you and those blights of humanity who believe some shameful war has any bearing on us and our obligation to create a better future for all do not have. Instead of saying something is none of your business. 4/10, from central ky myself must be because I know of it but never have i heard someone using it in the context or way it was made for. hah!). I moved my kids up north for one year, they breezed thru that year. Im half north, half south, and I found your post fascinating!! Actually, the only area not only of New Jersey in general, but also of North Jersey in particular that does share that accent with NYC is Hudson County, which is across both New York Bay and the Hudson River (especially the latter) from most of the citys borough of Manhattan and across a waterway called Kill Van Kull from NYCs borough of Staten Island. Thinkstock. To baggage is a knitted winter hat in SC. ;o). wounder you got your Asses Handed to you during the Civil War. Damn yungunz. A whatchamacallit, do dad, an item that you can not recall the name of, or if youre just toi tired to care. First off, its the other way around. I got to this page looking for Southern slang for a craft idea. I like those a bunch. OK dumb assgo up north to live in an area that your obviously low class, uneducated self can afford and see how well you are treated there. Terms of endearment are Sugar, Sugar Pie, Honey Pie, Sweetpea and Booger. Im one of the most worldly people you will ever get the chance of meeting, and am currently participating in an exchange program. We were always fixin to do something. Thanks a lot! Also, its not Pepsi its Pop It tickled you TO DEATH. Its 89 million degrees outside. And your grandmother never made a lot of food. And Bless your lovely little heart, HUN! I dont think so. Folks dont get beat, they get skint up I met more dumb ppl down there than i care to say. Why on earth is the south in southern pronounced differently from the word south? Another thing, notice how Ive been using previous grammar the entire time? Anyone trying to figure out what a Southerner means probably needs to listen to tone. some people in the south are very happy the south lost. I was born in southeast Michigan, technically a Yankee. He violated the Constitution by suspending habeus coprus and forcing the Southern states to stay, thereby violating their right to leave. In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. And hows this? Do you have any suggestions for aspiring writers? As in Cut the lights. or Cut the engine. We will Defend our southern way of life till death if need be. I know northerners, have a bad rap in the south, but I hope my family will have a great time. My grandmother was from Ocilla , she always said I swaunee, that was her way of not takin the Lords name in, Absolutely! We are stronger, faster, more educated. My favorite shows protagonists voice actor is from NJ. Id like to ask you to please just stop! I think that is some kind of southern way of cursing. Talk about uneducated! Get yo yankee ass back across the Mason Dixon before the south gets hold of u and stomps a hole in your yankee ways. Published: June 7, 2022 Categorized as: imprisonment 5e dndbeyond . No one likes you losers you should all move your dumb conservative bible thumping inbred racist asses to China, where you belong. It was built by the Yankee Government, after 1864, called Reconstruction. Even though the North sees the rebel flag as a symbol of racism and rebellion, it is in fact a sign of knowing their roots and the truth that you seem to not have obtained. Bless your hearts meaning is largely based on circumstance. This author also forgot youns. ), We have the best education (IVY LEAGUE, you have none MIT, Harvard, Cornell, Browning, Stanford, Columbia, ETC.).. This isn't just a nickname for someone's crazy neighbor. Love my country music and grits..but also love the seasons here! Is there a way to filter out inappropriate and off topic comments from Yankees? There is very little true Southern culture left. WHat I do have something against is Arrogance. Pronunciation of Georgia with 5 audio pronunciations. but I dont know about yall, but when its sunny and its rainin well say the devil is hittin his wife with a fryin pan now round here we say that all the time, but goin other places and all I get some bad looks. typos: * when in Rome DO as the Romans do I love the South, but I know theres just as many ignorant folks down here as up there. South Carolina is a beautiful state, and has so many advantages for Retirees that it is in the top 5 (or less) places for Seniors to retire. I asked the guy sooooo. Everyone who fought was an American veteran. Sorry to the owners of the blog for posting this, but dammit I cant deal with jackasses and not put them in there place. Having any accent doesnt make you better or worse than anyone. Youre all backwards though, honey. In the south we offered funeral cake, funeral casserole, etc. And if you scratch that sugar coated southern exterior, youll find one of the toughest, strongest, best fighters in the history of america. Thats a cajun French thing bc our parents grew up with bilingual parents if not bilingual themselves and I think thats purely a South Louisiana (anything South of Baton Rouge) thing. Only Yankees say that. Hickey Maybe its cus my mom grew up in Texas and my dad in Kentucky but I would say most of the people I know in maryland talk like that but we dont consider ourselves southern. They just dont understand that Southern Deutsch. Its over and done. Growing up my mother would refer to to something not being straight as Whanky jawed. A tantrum was a walleyed hissie fit and a gourmet meal was red beans, fried potatoes and sweet cornbread. Another way we pronounce Atlanta. I have known a lot of southerners and fought them. I should also note that we rarely use "r's.". Damn Yankees!!! and thats not correct!! @Marci and @Okie Farmer (ESPECIALLY YOU, Marci!) I was born and raised in South Alabama, or Lower Alabama (L.A,) as we like to say, We raise beef cattle and had a vegetable garden on an acre and we fed the whole town. My wife is from rural Kentucky and sometimes she uses the word torment instead of saying Hell. We called it the boonies, for short, aka the sticks and the holler. Some people say taters for potatoes lol. sigma gamma rho line shirts. That being said, I also used to live in Savannah so i mightve picked it up down there. Air conditioners and the refrigerator systems were invented by a southern Doctor from Florida, Shipping containers were invented by a southerner and wreckers were also. Whose really the racist? Joking about the homeless and essentially saying that all Southerners are against abortions and arent for equal love, makes you ignorant and down right stupid. Also, on the homosexual thing, wow. Lessen they need a lesson or 2 bout common courtesy. of the peanut butter crackers eat-a-snacks. Lebanon, TN is pronounced Lebanin. We are looking forward to getting away from the self-centeredness and rudeness up here. She doesnt have anything better to do than to see how us good ol folks talk? how southerners pronounce atlanta July 1, 2022 how southerners pronounce atlanta . If for some reason you dont believe this, find some historical movies about the south in the 1960s and then proceed to tell us who lost and who won.

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how southerners pronounce atlanta