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He dont do any good with it. He dont lose much of a dinner.. There was nothing very cheerful in the climate or the town, and yet was there an air of cheerfulness abroad that the clearest summer air and brightest summer sun might have endeavoured to diffuse in vain. When Scrooge's nephew laughed in this way: holding his sides, rolling his head, and twisting his face into the most extravagant contortions: Scrooge's niece, by marriage, laughed as heartily as he. No doubt she told him her opinion of it, when, another blind-man being in office, they were so very confidential together, behind the curtains. Will you decide what men shall live, what men shall die? The children drank the toast after her. Five minutes, ten minutes, a quarter of an hour went by, yet nothing came. Well! A Christmas Carol E-Text contains the full text of A Christmas Carol Preface Stave I: Marley's Ghost Stave II: The First Of The Three Spirits Stave III: The Second Of The Three Spirits Stave IV: The Last Of The Spirits Read the E-Text for A Christmas Carol Wikipedia Entries for A Christmas Carol Introduction Plot Background Characters Themes Yellow, meagre, ragged, scowling, wolfish; but prostrate, too, in their humility. I went forth last night on compulsion, and I learnt a lesson which is working now. This idea taking full possession of his mind, he got up softly and shuffled in his slippers to the door. `Not coming. said Bob, with a sudden declension in his high spirits; Martha didnt like to see him disappointed, if it were only in joke; He told me, coming home, that he hoped the people saw him in the church, because he was a cripple, and it might be pleasant to them to remember upon Christmas Day, who made lame beggars walk, and blind men see., Bobs voice was tremulous when he told them this, and trembled more. The verb cant in this context means to speak hypocritically, usually about something that is religious or political. So Martha hid herself, and in came little Bob, the father, with at least three feet of comforter exclusive of the fringe, hanging down before him; and his threadbare clothes darned up and brushed, to look seasonable; and Tiny Tim upon his shoulder. Uncle Scrooge had imperceptibly become so gay and light of heart, that he would have pledged the unconscious company in return, and thanked them in an inaudible speech, if the Ghost had given him time. All this time the chestnuts and the jug went round and round; and by-and-by they had a song, about a lost child travelling in the snow, from Tiny Tim, who had a plaintive little voice, and sang it very well indeed. A light shone from the window of a hut, and swiftly they advanced towards it. So did the room, the fire, the ruddy glow, the hour of night, and they stood in the city streets on Christmas morning, where (for the weather was severe) the people made a rough, but brisk and not unpleasant kind of music, in scraping the snow from the pavement in front of their dwellings, and from the tops of their houses, whence it was mad delight to the boys to see it come plumping down into the road below, and splitting into artificial little snowstorms. lmoten4. Altogether she was what you would have called provoking, you know; but satisfactory, too. Dickens attributes the speed in which he wroteA Christmas Carol(reportedly just six weeks) in large part to his affection for his characters, the Cratchits. pdf, 454.5 KB. Despite how badly Scrooge treats his nephew, Fred does not hold it against himhe feels sorry for him. The crisp leaves of holly, mistletoe, and ivy reflected back the light, as if so many little mirrors had been scattered there; and such a mighty blaze went roaring up the chimney, as that dull petrification of a hearth had never known in Scrooges time, or Marleys, or for many and many a winter season gone, Heaped up on the floor, to form a kind of throne, were turkeys, geese, game, poultry, brawn, great joints of meat, sucking-pigs, long wreaths of sausages, mince-pies, plum-puddings, barrels of oysters, red-hot chestnuts, cherry-cheeked apples, juicy oranges, luscious pears, immense twelfth-cakes, and seething bowls of punch, that made the chamber dim with their delicious steam. Mrs. Cratchit made the gravy (ready beforehand in a little saucepan) hissing hot; Master Peter mashed the potatoes with incredible vigour; Miss Belinda sweetened up the apple-sauce; Martha dusted the hot plates; Bob took Tiny Tim beside him in a tiny corner at the table; the two young Cratchits set chairs for everybody, not forgetting themselves, and mounting guard upon their posts, crammed spoons into their mouths, lest they should shriek for goose before their turn came to be helped. Another meaning of the term cant is to sing. The terms double meaning not only influences the tone of the ghosts rebuke, but it also aligns with the continued metaphor of music. Culinary aspects of Dickens' tale have already appeared here at SimanaitisSays in "Christmas Meals Galore." Arguably, this is the most famous quote from A Christmas Carol. At last the dishes were set on, and grace was said. He always knew where the plump sister was. So surely as they raised their voices, the old man got quite blithe and loud; and so surely as they stopped, his vigour sank again. What has ever got your precious father, then? said Mrs. Cratchit. God bless us!. It was a remarkable quality of the Ghost (which Scrooge had observed at the baker's), that notwithstanding his gigantic size, he could accommodate himself to any place with ease; and that he stood beneath a low roof quite as gracefully, and like a supernatural creature, as it was possible he could have done in any lofty hall. To any kindly given. Eked out by the apple-sauce and mashed potatoes, it was a sufficient dinner for the whole family; indeed, as Mrs. Cratchit said with great delight (surveying one small atom of a bone upon the dish), they hadn't ate it all at last! The scabbard, then, serves as a symbol for peace, making the second ghost symbolize both abundance and peace. Why are Bob Cratchit's children obligated to work? In half a minute Mrs. Cratchit entered: flushed, but smiling proudly: with the pudding, like a speckled cannon-ball, so hard and firm, blazing in half of half a quartern of ignited brandy, and bedight with Christmas holly stuck into the top. . I made it link by link, and yard by yard;. Textbook Questions. Would it apply to any kind of dinner on this day? asked Scrooge. This is the perfect introduction to your unit plan and makes a great first lesson plan for the novel. 48 terms. 10 terms. Long life to him! Scrooge sees a table prepared for the Christmas meal. A Christmas Carol Stave 4. But he raised them speedily on hearing his own name. A Christmas Carol ( 1843) by Charles Dickens is a Victorian morality tale of an old and bitter miser, Ebenezer Scrooge, who undergoes a profound experience of redemption over the course of one evening. But soon the steeples called good people all to church and chapel, and away they came, flocking through the streets in their best clothes, and with their gayest faces. Here, the flickering of the blaze showed preparations for a cosy dinner, with hot plates baking through and through before the fire, and deep red curtains, ready to be drawn, to shut out cold and darkness. Why does Scrooge's heart soften as he listens to the music? Fred responds that though it hasn't brought him any profit, Christmas has done him good. They are described as wretched because they are almost a "Christmas kryptonite." Ignorance and Want go against all that is wholesome about Christmas, giving, kindness, and glee. Before delivering Scrooge to his nephew's house, why would the Spirit take Scrooge to the old miner's home, the lighthouse, and the ship at sea? Is it a foot or a claw?, It might be a claw, for the flesh there is upon it, was the Spirit's sorrowful reply. For his pretending not to know her, his pretending that it was necessary to touch her head-dress, and further to assure himself of her identity by pressing a certain ring upon her finger, and a certain chain about her neck, was vile, monstrous! We have seen little attention paid to the religious ceremony of Christmas. Wed a deal of work to finish up last night, replied the girl, and had to clear away this morning, mother!, Well! To-night, if you have aught to teach me, let me profit by it.. Are Spirits' lives so short? asked Scrooge. Oh, I have! said Scrooge's nephew. A Christmas Carol: Annotation-Friendly Edition Ideal for . Down in the west the setting sun had left a streak of fiery red, which glared upon the desolation for an instant, like a sullen eye, and frowning lower, lower, lower yet, was lost in the thick gloom of darkest night. These children personify Scrooge's attitude. You have never seen the like of me before! exclaimed the Spirit. Hide, Martha, hide!. Being a Ghost Story of Christmas, commonly known as A Christmas Carol, is a novella by Charles Dickens, first published in London by Chapman & Hall in 1843 and illustrated by John Leech. He hears church bells, and a boy passing by tells him it's Christmas Day. Sets found in the same folder. 503 Words. He believed it too!. Passing through the wall of mud and stone, they found a cheerful company assembled round a glowing fire. I was only going to say, said Scrooge's nephew, that the consequence of his taking a dislike to us, and not making merry with us, is, as I think, that he loses some pleasant moments, which could do him no harm. Think of that! ch. I wish I had him here. Bob's voice was tremulous when he told them this, and trembled more when he said that Tiny Tim was growing strong and hearty. The narrator's sense of humor is evident here in the way he juxtaposes the image of a baby with that of a rhinoceros. Literary Period: Victorian Era. He hasn't the satisfaction of thinkingha, ha, ha!that he is ever going to benefit Us with it.. Scrooge started back, appalled. A giant ghost introduces himself as the Ghost of Christmas Present and tells Scrooge to touch his robe. A Christmas Carol E-Text contains the full text of A Christmas Carol. Dickens is referring to the fact that the children were extremely active and noisy, and the scene was chaotic. The annotations are not always as dense as you see in the cover image but I've aimed for a higher level of detail. To Scrooge's horror, looking back, he saw the last of the land, a frightful range of rocks, behind them; and his ears were deafened by the thundering of water, as it rolled, and roared, and raged among the dreadful caverns it had worn, and fiercely tried to undermine the earth. They are Man's, said the Spirit, looking down upon them. It was not alone that the scales descending on the counter made a merry sound, or that the twine and roller parted company so briskly, or that the canisters were rattled up and down like juggling tricks, or even that the blended scents of tea and coffee were so grateful to the nose, or even that the raisins were so plentiful and rare, the almonds so extremely white, the sticks of cinnamon so long and straight, the other spices so delicious, the candied fruits so caked and spotted with molten sugar as to make the coldest lookers-on feel faint and subsequently bilious. If he be like to die, he had better do it, and decrease the surplus population.. There was nothing of high mark in this. The mention of his name cast a dark shadow on the party, which was not dispelled for full five minutes. It was their turn to laugh now, at the notion of his shaking Scrooge. Its dark brown curls were long and free; free as its genial face, its sparkling eye, its open hand, its cheery voice, its unconstrained demeanour, and its joyful air. The time is drawing near.. But if you had judged from the numbers of people on their way to friendly gatherings, you might have thought that no one was at home to give them welcome when they got there, instead of every house expecting company, and piling up its fires half-chimney high. A glee is a song performed by a group of three or more and usually a capella. The Ghost's brief life span of one day also reminds Scrooge, and the reader, that we must act quickly if we are to change the present. We are led to wonder, just as Scrooge himself does, whether Scrooge may have failed his task already. The people carry their dinners off with them and occasionally bump each other accidentally and argue. GCSE English Literature A Christmas Carol learning resources for adults, children, parents and teachers. Where Written: Manchester and London. As moorlands are typically wet and humid, the adjective desert does not refer to a dry and sandy region, but rather land that is deserted or empty.. Any Cratchit would have blushed to hint at such a thing. The crisp leaves of holly, mistletoe, and ivy reflected back the light, as if so many little mirrors had been scattered there; and such a mighty blaze went roaring up the chimney, as that dull petrification of a hearth had never known in Scrooge's time, or Marley's, or for many and many a winter season gone. Furthermore, Topper inappropriately pretends not to know who she is even after he has caught her. Bob Cratchit told them how he had a situation in his eye for Master Peter, which would bring in, if obtained, full five-and-sixpence weekly. Which of these does notemphasize that they are poor? Alas for Tiny Tim, he bore a little crutch, and had his limbs supported by an iron frame! The Founder of the Feast indeed. cried Mrs Cratchit, reddening. Execrable is an adjective used to describe something that is awful or very unpleasant. Why does Fred, Scrooge's nephew, feel sorry for him? Bless those women; they never do anything by halves. Page 3 of 10. Whats the consequence? But now, the plates being changed by Miss Belinda, Mrs. Cratchit left the room alonetoo nervous to bear witnessesto take the pudding up and bring it in. It was not alone that the scales descending on the counter made a merry sound, or that the twine and roller parted company so briskly, or that the canisters were rattled up and down like juggling tricks, or even that the blended scents of tea and coffee were so grateful to the nose, or even that the raisins were so plentiful and rare, the almonds so extremely white, the sticks of cinnamon so long and straight, the other spices so delicious, the candied fruits so caked and spotted with molten sugar as to make the coldest lookers-on feel faint and subsequently bilious. If you had fallen up against him (as some of them did), on purpose, he would have made a feint of endeavouring to seize you, which would have been an affront to your understanding, and would instantly have sidled off in the direction of the plump sister. For they said, it was a shame to quarrel upon Christmas Day. There never was such a goose. God bless us.. And how did little Tim behave? asked Mrs. Cratchit, when she had rallied Bob on his credulity and Bob had hugged his daughter to his heart's content. There was no doubt about that. Genius is the ultimate source of music knowledge, created by scholars like you who share facts and insight about the songs and artists they love. Which it certainly was. Another Victorian parlor game, How, When, and Where is a game in which one player is sent out of the room while the rest of the players think of a certain object or thing. It was strange, too, that while Scrooge remained unaltered in his outward form, the Ghost grew older, clearly older. and know me better, man!. What then? It is a fair, even-handed, noble adjustment of things, that while there is infection in disease and sorrow, there is nothing in the world so irresistibly contagious as laughter and good-humour. - contrast to Stave 3 when he is ashamed and showing repentance 'I wear the chains i forged in life . It is a perennial favourite at Christmastime, when it is frequently broadcast on television. These 20+ slides will help introduce your students to Charles Dickens' novel, A Christmas Carol. Yet every one had had enough, and the youngest Cratchits in particular were steeped in sage and onion to the eyebrows! The Cratchits may not have the money (thanks to Mr. Scrooge) for an elaborate feast in beautiful glassware, but they are celebrating together nonetheless. When Scrooge asks if the children have no refuge, the Ghost answers with Scrooge's previous words"'Are there no prisons? The slides cover the following topics:Who is Charles Dickens (featuring pictures from his house in London)The Industrial . Notice that the Ghost of Christmas Present quotes Scrooges statement from the First Stave that if the poor would rather die than go to workhouses, it would only decrease the surplus population. Prompting us to evaluate these words in relation to Tiny Tim, Dickens puts a human face on the plight of Londons poor and uses Scrooges own words to show his growth. Spirit, said Scrooge submissively, conduct me where you will.

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stave 3 a christmas carol annotations